The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Rock of Enlightenment

Today, the day before N.E.R.D. ( Nationally Everyone has to hang a flag, or you wont get a Reasonable upgrading to your HDB block Day)

The Singapore government is very particular about the way other Asian countries view our national day celebrations. They furiously aspire to make every national day celebration better than those in all the other countries. Not that its bad, but somehow this year's 'More Extravagant, More Spectacular' parade has a very eerie, " I've seen this somewhere before!" feeling...... Wait just a dog gone minute! This was last year's show! *slaps forehead*

It seems that the organisers for the parade can't seem to come up with more artistic, clever, cool, ingenious, innovative and original ideas for a national day parade. The only thing we poor unpropitious souls, who could never get tickets to the NDP, are forced to watch every year are grown men hurling themselves off oversized lamposts, tiny ants ( viewed from the now extinct Starhub airship) marching around a green patch, then huge opulent and ritzy coloured pieces of fabric covering the now vacated green patch. All this followed by tens and hundreds of hobbits ( okay aldolescent looking kids and aduts ) running around in exuberant ornate costumes. To top it off, a un-coordinated diplay of fireworks ( the Singapore Fireworks Festival was 1,000,000,000,000,000.......ok you get the picture, times better )

I could go on and on about the inadequacy and insufficient creativity of the parade organisers, but I'm afraid it would only fall on deaf ears. So let the parade be the parade.