The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Fireworks Festival 2006 Pt 2

The emotion and excitement that is conjured up during a fireworks display is inexplicably enjoyable. Be it the romantic Italian display, the fun-filled New Caldonian display or the elegant French one, they all made me sigh with pleasure and also with sadness at the same time. I have my reasons. Im glad that i got to share it with the friends who are closest to me, all the fireworks 'kaki'.
Pictures capture the essence of fireworks; Video, its sound and emotion. I hope you enjoy this little preview. If you want to see all, please look to the middle right of my page, for the links to my Photo album.

For the pics in thier full glory (resolution that is) please contact me directly.


Fu dé joi (Fire of Joy)