The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Friday, March 23, 2007

SWAT Music Camp @ Rock City, KL

From above: KL traffic, Worship Leading, The Band.
there were too many pics, so catch the rest on my yahoo photos. :)
All in all, we had a Great TIme and also A FUn Time.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Caleb's Commisioning

Once again, SAFTI MI. This time it was my brother.Am so proud of him, at least one of us is an officer.
Though it brought back lots of painful memories and regrets to me,I thoroughly enjoyed my self, playing with my new toy.
Got some Excellent results.
But only a few are here, to avoid and trouble with the MSD :P

Taking the Pledge

SAFTI Parade Grounds



Wednesday, March 07, 2007

SWAT Ubin Adventure...

The Local Wildlife appeared!

Obstacle course.

Priscilla, the Wild Boar

Keropok Break Time

Some beautiful boys, look at the leaf behind...

The view from Mamam Beach

Toilet Break

Rakhi's was too small...her bag i mean. :P

Where the hell did Cookie Monster come from?

Public toilet

The whole Gang - Swat

My dad, trying to know how many years

Choosing the bikes

Approaching Ubin Jetty

Prisoners on Board

Eh, my Bike's nicer lah!
Gareth's yummy breakfast.
Last saturday, SWAT had a cycling expedition on Pulau Ubin. Half a day of Cycyling through the Kampung of an island, through the jungle and of course thru the MUD! hahaa, remeniscing my NPCC days....sigh. I really miss that place! Well, they had a great time cycling, and i had a great time leading ( and laughing at them :P ). hehhe. All in all it was a great bonding session.

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Valentine's Day Fund Raiser

This fundraiser was held in church to help raise funds for the youth ministry. Oraganised by the SWAT team, it was also a chance for couples to have a romantic dinner for two in 'Paris'.
The decor was designed by moi, eunice and abigail.
Paris, being the 'City of Love' was chosen to envelope the couples with the mood of the night.
Thanks to all who helped out, provided dinner and waited on the couples.

Bevy of beauties.
Table for two?

The wait staff..Estherie, Deb, GK, Gops, Deeps & CL.

Pure Romance.

The pre-dinner cocktail room.

Hearts ablaze.

Professional table setup, by Mah.
The main backdrop, Eunice and Me.
All Photos Taken with my Canon Powershot Pro-1. No Flash.

Thanks again to all who helped out. Merci.
