The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Blue Oasis

a day of music, jamming and pink ladies

this whole week has been a good one, not much incidents as yet only stronger bonds and relationships...

the MacPherson Alumni is finally taking shape, and im officially in charge of PR.....PR!!! ARRGGHH!! what am i doing? i have never done PR before...ppl please help me! somebody??anybody!

But ALL MacPhersonians please take note. The alumni website will be set up by this friday, and all information on the application will be posted there. Membership will be SGD10 for those who have graduated 10 years and less, and SGD20 for those more than 10 years.

Today i visited my good buddy, from SISPEC, Nicholas ( his nick is nick jazz ). Great voice, great on guitar...his band was playing at the BLUE OASIS, near arab street. A jazz band, with great members...AND, of course i played also lah, a bit of latin jazz fusion...he he got compliment some more...(some chinese girl said i was cute lah!*blush*) yeah was really great, and looking forward to playin with them in the future... i love the idea of playing in a bar/cafe..its just relaxed and cool.

Oh yes, i drank a pink lady a.k.a. strawberry milkshake lah! with lime. must make that in future.

days left from the DIM SUM DOLLIE to return from DIM SUM LAND....


Sunday, May 22, 2005


Star Wars...

Well, the finale was here, and it was.......EXCELLENT! kudos to George. he has fulfilled the star wars fans dreams. i have no words to describe the feelings i have, only pictures....and sounds.
and thankfully im going to watch it AGAIN! lol. well, with more star warsies. long live the skywalker saga.

A new beginning...

sometime ago, before the months of the blue moon began, i chanced upon this fair maiden, so beautifully radiant and filled with alike were we, like two peas in a pod. complementing each other like toothpaste and tootbrush.
a connection not of this world binds us and others together, towards one destination we aim.
impatient i grow, day by day, night by night. as the day draws neigh, when my maiden returns from the distant land to which she was sent...and thus, this little joshie waits fervently.

what this means, where this will go, nobody knows. only the One who created us. hopefully, im thinking in his planned direction of thought.

The reunion of the past...

once again our class, whoever is left hanging, met at hereen for dinner, to once more share the happenings of our lives and plan for outings that normally would not materialises ( i hope this one does though ). it felt good meeting my closest friends, those who knew me for more than i knew myself. cher, min, YD, raizul, and myself...those who could not make it...we missed your company, hopefully, next time we can meet ( hopefully no NDP and stuff ). dinner was good at NYDC and dessert at, guess where!? BAKERS'IN (duh)..well, a 20% discount is always good when you need it.

next outing: 11th june 2005 ( please be free!)

joshie signing off

Monday, May 16, 2005

A day in the week in the Life of...

Finally a day to rest, from the hectics of the working community (thank you my beloved leg!) sprained it bad lah...

Well, the confusion has ended, my direction is set, my goal is clearly visible, my aim is being tuned...i just have to move some mountains with my faith...and All things are possible *does a little dance*.

God said it, i believe it, that settles it.

As for my relational life, things are looking more and more perfectly promising, the Big Guy upstairs always has your best interest at heart and he knows when to bring in just blessed to have this undoubtedly astounding occurance; that you can know a person before even meeting him/ her.

Happiness is when you dont have to input anything much besides your time, love and attention, and everything goes on its own about being independent.

another short week and a week that will go down in history!


Since 1966, when Episode 4 - A New Hope, was released, star wars fans have been waiting for the completion of the saga, and after Return of the Jedi, when Lucas decided to make the prequel, the world has been waiting to see how Anakin turned to the dark side and became......Darth Vader. Now is the time, now is the moment, now is a moment in the earth's history. The end of a 39 year saga and story. The ultimate movie.

Just need to iron out a few kinks and im fine, major kinks mind you...but no impossible to remove, just need determination and prayer.

had a great time on sunday (thanks sair) miss her lah, since poly and her whirlwind romance...

After church met saira at bugis and went for lunch (if you consider a peach danish as lunch). then made our way to Singapore Arts Centre for a production entitled 'Play Play'. It was a unique performance that i truly enjoyed (first time i enjoyed a play with someone), it was about our childhood games and the emotions that we have as a child, what grabs our imagination and sets it ablaze. Should really go for more, just no one to go with *sobs* :D. then we went for BANANA PRATA at the mamak stall on near NAFA. was good lah, plus teh tarik lagi shiok!
Then we went to PS for abit of a shopping spree, and bought STAR WARS tees for thursday (helo, sure must wear something star warsie mah, plus i bringing light sabre...hehe) and bought a pair of jeans (finally after 8 months of nagging by my mom!) now i dont have to borrow from caleb, and he from me...
at night we went for an adult storytelling session at substation. was excellent...i never knew folklore could be so interesting...thoroughly enjoyed it, and encourage people to go for it...though tired and with a sore leg, i managed to make it to the MRT and scooted of to my comfy bed, and a beautifully painful monday morning... and so ends the day in the week of the life of eihsoj

lufituaeb si efil

joshie eihsoj

Saturday, May 07, 2005

BAck in The DRiver's Seat.....i think!

its been a while ( a long while ) since my last what..5 months...


cause i've been trying to find myself. ive been again. for those of you who know me as the focused, determined and unrelentingly driven human, i have broken...


put 3 things together and they can cause your destruction.


these 3 things have derailed the Joshie Express.

My scholarship didnt come thru, so my plans for Australia are very shaky. But i put my trust in My God, cause i know he has the best for me. But, how can you recieve from God, if you are not walking closely with him. Can the things He gives reach you through that cloud of sin and guilt and shame? everyone has sin in their life, but what if its an addiction, that has rooted so deep you cant imagine how to remove it. Only He can.

GIrls, you cant live with them, you cant live without them. Relationships, be it romantic ones or friendly ones, can bring a guys life up and/or down. My life has always revolved around girls, i am more comfortable talking and communicating with them, but sometimes, some take it too romanticaly and fall head over heels when you want them to stay on their feet. And some, stay on their feet when you are head over bad timing.

My life has always been a quiet one, with little ppl forming close bonds, and lasting friendships.
My dreams are not shattered, just blocked.
My love life is a mess, i dont know if i want to have one.
My money is limited
My heart is open
My head is closed
My hands are tied
My eyes are wide shut.

Where are you when i need you? Who are you?

Are you my love from my past? a Ghost to haunt me for failing the rest of my life.I miss you.
