The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Auto Tech Rest Room

This project was my own suggestion cause i felt that our rest room had no identity of its own, and looked like pigsty basically. So i brought it up to LTA Woon, and CPT Eddie happened to be my sugesstion got approved instantly. haha. great for me lah, not a single cent (ok only 4.95 spent).
SO yeah, i started work the friday before started clearing my leave, and came back on monday ( i was on leave ah!).
Painted the base coat and the other walls, with the help of Mu Hai, Bao Jie, Matt Tan, and Alan, who was scrubbing the walls....hehe. So yeah, the original was was white....i mean with A LOT OF BLACK BOOT PRINTS everywhere, thanks to the drivers. (!^$#%^7#9*#&)

After 3 coats of paint, one whole day of detailed drawing and paiting, staying back till 9pm to finish the painting (shit my perfectionism, can't help it).

The way its supposed to be.