The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Birthday Chalet

4th Jan was YD and Min's Birthday. They celebrated at the Aloha Loyang Chalet. BBQ and stayover...the works, such a pity i couldnt be there on the day.
Neways, rushed back from KL, showered, and headed down there.

Birthdays will always be a memorable time, no matter how small, or who youre with.
And better yet if its with people who are close to your heart. and Nat below playing with our food :P

And this is part of my photo shoot of Min. Pretty ah...haha (the pic!) lol, yes yes, the model too...

Nostalgic Pasir Ris...

The guys...

Wayang Kulit*? *malay for shadow play

Vincent's new bra? Hmmm...29A? lol.

Roxy's new Singapore Ad. Love the contrast in weather.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Glorious Malaysian Christmas

Sitting in the bus, coming back to Singapore, I got an SMS from MINDEF..."This is a reminder for your ICT...blah blah blah!". Sheesh, come back only kena call up. sian. The five hour journey was a good chance to reflect, recollect and wish I was back in KL. All the dinners, parties, shopping, driving and of course dating. :)

To say i miss her would be an understatement. Seriously. The hour plus we had together was all the time in the world, because i was with her. Of course, I wanted it to be longer, and if possible forever.

Meeting up with cousins, uncles and aunts, grand uncles and grand aunts...the list goes on...was of course the bomb lah, seeing how much everyone grew sideways or Church was great too! *Thanks to the ROCK KL for a wonderfully talented and meaningful Christmas and New Year's service...more like a gathering than a service, but thats the way i like it.

Now comes the fun part...renting a car!!! Wohoooo...all by myself, I got a Kancil for 60RM which is cheap lah...considering the period, and plus it had free delivery and return haha wow!!! thats like soo good lah. But of course like i said, every new driver has to knock in my case, someone knocked my rear end. *see pic below* Driving at 120 on the expressway is nothing. But doing it in an 850cc kancil...haha is an experience fun overtaking big lorries and bigger cars.LOL. wish i could have taken a video...oops,then my one hand driving would have been seen :P

Here's some pics...enjoy...

My scratched Kancil's ass.

The Wondercar...

Initial D...haha

The Uncles & GrandAunt. That only makes up bout 6% of them

The view from Concorde Hotel. Immaculate

KL Tower ( yes there is such a place!) at night.

Tony & Alan, ROCK Church KL.

One of 7!!! Skylines i saw...Beautiful R33 with a Nismo Body kit

