The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Birthday Chalet

4th Jan was YD and Min's Birthday. They celebrated at the Aloha Loyang Chalet. BBQ and stayover...the works, such a pity i couldnt be there on the day.
Neways, rushed back from KL, showered, and headed down there.

Birthdays will always be a memorable time, no matter how small, or who youre with.
And better yet if its with people who are close to your heart. and Nat below playing with our food :P

And this is part of my photo shoot of Min. Pretty ah...haha (the pic!) lol, yes yes, the model too...

Nostalgic Pasir Ris...

The guys...

Wayang Kulit*? *malay for shadow play

Vincent's new bra? Hmmm...29A? lol.

Roxy's new Singapore Ad. Love the contrast in weather.