The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

O.E.T.I Oh!

Hey ya!

Ordanace and Engineering Training Institute

Nice Place, nice people, one bapok, MANY tonners to fix.

But hey, who can complain if its 8 to 5. This is the life in NS my friends, the second best life after Air Force School. Although a bit far, I enjoy being able to decide what to do after 5. And sleeping on my own bed. What more can a guy ask for?

Life is good and hopefully will get better...

The Captain

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Captain's Log 3159.515

With or without the guest of honour, the show must go on...

A night of relished moments, fond memories, and missed friendships. Dinner at a fine Turkish restaurant, eating kebabs, and cheese meat balls. Fun, no Extremely Enjoyable! Finally a class reunion, that felt more like a class reunion.

Shared experiences were, well, shared. And coffee drunk with a smile, enjoying the waitreses and the drink at the some time, some people were. In the end a parting of ways, one to drink, one to bed. Both a requirement, a necessity.

A night to be relished, and cherished. For forever.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Captain's Log 77377.28

Could so fond a memory be forgotten so easily?Could years of reationships be broken in one night?Or could there a reason more mysterious and more profound, locked up in a dungeon.

My Teacher, My Teacher, What hast thou done?
Let us down have you,
A body gelled together, keeping afloat
Waiting for life to engulf us in its experience

Monday, September 13, 2004

Laughter on the Tube and Sports TV

Well all of us need to laugh, be it to release anger, tickle your funnybone, turn the tides or just simply make your father hair grow white faster. Here are some actual announcements made by London's Tube Operators (their MRT train drivers!)...don't drop your pants or skirt. Also linked below are sport commentators and others, saying things that you won't normally hear after our censors get through TV!

London Tube operators

Sports Comments

Borrowed from Mr Brown

Sunday, September 12, 2004

The Greatest FAKE of All

Did you know that NASA never landed a man on the moon?

I was watching a show on Star World, titled "Did we really land on the moon?". The evidence is so abundant that it took only 15 mins of watching to get me convinced. Other experts on the show also proved that it was physically impossible to leave the Earth's atmosphere. Listed below is some proof (that convinced me) that shows why we didn't land on the moon

  1. The American Flag that was planted was flapping in the wind. (no atmosphere on the moon and could not be a jet blast from the engines)
  2. Video footage from 2 different mission (to 2 different sides of the moon) showed the astronauts moving around on the exact same piece of ground? So visible when the two videos were superimposed on one another.
  3. Still photos taken, showed objects in the same picture having shadows going in 2 different directions. Only possible with 2 light sources...whereas the moon only has the sun? Go figure.
  4. The still photos also showed the astronauts in the shadow of the Lunar Landing Craft, CLEARLY VISIBLE? How is this possible when the sun is the only source of light, and it was aginst them?
  5. Go and watch the show yourself...there are too many things to say!


Sunday, September 05, 2004

SPIDERMAN 3 - The Crayola Review

Well, found out that your friendly neighbourhood spiderman was moonlighting as a Crayola Reviewer....check it out.

this will drive you nuts....

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Fireworks Festival 2004

Finally the video of the show is here. The final team, from Hong Kong, put on an extremely extravagant finale to the festival. The video is available for download. It is <9mb.

Right-clickHERE, and save as, to your folder.

Or click HERE for the streaming video.

(It takes about 25 seconds using SCV's cable modem)

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Laugh at Cancer in the face!

Well, i found out about this guy from my favourite Browntown. He's a cancer patient who looks through a different looking glass. I really admire this guy for his courage and humour in the face of adversity.

His Description:
"This weblog is hopefully an idiot's guide to accepting, living with, laughing at and dying from cancer. The very, very last bit I can't be absolutely sure of but then who the hell can? I could have put together some beautifully crafted, grammatically correct essays but I hope you will understand, that when I say "I don't have a lot of time" I mean it far more literally than you do. I wanted to publish some thoughts which may just light a spark in some people."

He even comments about the life around him:
"This is a bit out of context but it has been bothering me. WHY THE HELL DO HOSPITAL GOWNS FASTEN AT THE BACK? As you are presumably there because you are not exactly feeling 100%, why do they think you can fasten several tie strings behind your back? I think they must have CCTV in the changing rooms and sit there howling with laughter as a 17 stone steel worker (that's not me - I don't work in steel) struggles to get into a size 8 mini dress which has 7 unaligned strings to tie. They then struggle to examine/operate on you because most stuff involves working on you from the front. I want an answer."

This post dedicated to sheena, a girl with cancer i met in Neopets in 2003. I have completely lost contact with her after my account was hacked. I pray she's fine. To Sheena.