The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

The Greatest FAKE of All

Did you know that NASA never landed a man on the moon?

I was watching a show on Star World, titled "Did we really land on the moon?". The evidence is so abundant that it took only 15 mins of watching to get me convinced. Other experts on the show also proved that it was physically impossible to leave the Earth's atmosphere. Listed below is some proof (that convinced me) that shows why we didn't land on the moon

  1. The American Flag that was planted was flapping in the wind. (no atmosphere on the moon and could not be a jet blast from the engines)
  2. Video footage from 2 different mission (to 2 different sides of the moon) showed the astronauts moving around on the exact same piece of ground? So visible when the two videos were superimposed on one another.
  3. Still photos taken, showed objects in the same picture having shadows going in 2 different directions. Only possible with 2 light sources...whereas the moon only has the sun? Go figure.
  4. The still photos also showed the astronauts in the shadow of the Lunar Landing Craft, CLEARLY VISIBLE? How is this possible when the sun is the only source of light, and it was aginst them?
  5. Go and watch the show yourself...there are too many things to say!