The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Captain's Log 651.45

Well, today i was irritated once again by "Those I don't want to speak off." So i spent almost all of my day on the couch. *sian* However, i did go out just now ( at night) and went to see my friend who is going to fix up my r/c car. Wohoo! finally, I'll get to play it, can't wait.

As for the Army, well, I have to go back on the 20th of September, no more extension. But the good news is I will be posting out. And getting away from that place. Finally. Freedom.

I don't write much now coz I don't do anything much except sit on my couch.*such a boring life*

Bye for now.