The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire....

Jingle Bells...jingle bells...jingle all the way...

Seems that every year the christmas comes earlier and earlier...the decorations along orchard come on in October, the chirstmas carols come into shopping centers in november...maybe this is a good thing, maybe the world will designate singapore, a Christmas-all-year-round nation....and then we'll have holidays for the whole year...................................................who am i kidding....

Its been a long time since my last post, that is bad, coz this page was designed for daily usage. however, due to unforseen circumstances (me being very lazy), the bandwith utilization has been low.

Of late, ive been much happier and free, coz i ve lost some excees baggage, which i thought was actually my dream (turns out the wine was just pressed, and hasn't aged). It hurts when you drink the 45 year old chardonnay and it turns out the label was changed....such a heart break.
But thank goodness its over, i would have gotten a bad stomach ache...

Life is full of surprises, but you go to know how to handle what life throws at you...or you'll be smothered.

im halfway through my course, so ive just got 6 weeks more to go...then ill be free. to take leave that is... =)


Monday, November 15, 2004

A day in the life of the downtrodden and demistyfied...

why does it have to hurt?
why does the pain have to be unbearable?
why wont it go away?
why cant i forget,
so the pain will go away?
but sometimes,
i think maybe,
i dont want the pain to go away.
because maybe then i might forget u
and i dont think
i could live if i did that...
Today was a day of sadenned embarresment...
I was thrown into a saddened confusion by a piece of my heart,
dazed confused lost
my heart broken into a million pieces
A Feint, within a feint, within a feint...
On the lighter side...
I was walking around Singapore from 1400 hours to 1730 hrs..
why...ask my super-stupid memory chip...
sheesh, talk about embarassing..
then again, what you dont know can't hurt you

Loooong Break For The Service Of The Country

its been almost a month since i last posted something on this self proclaimed journal...reason:
Doing almost non-stop duty for a few weeks...

My brain in almost dead as it it devoid of rest and relaxation...well also because im lazy lah....what to do? but entitled to my lazy months...

Two main holidays are over ( almost ) Deepavali and Hari Raya...

Well i spent my deepavali only visiting one house for lunch, then spending the rest of the day at home, talking to the sandman...i needed the catch-up. One day gone, just like that. The worst thing was, the next day, a Friday, was not a hello, what the hell do we have to come back for one day for?! Holiday planning is getting worse...shit.

Hari Raya:
I started the day doing my guard duty in fun! And then rushed to church immediately, only to sleep during the sermon as expected ( my Dad was preaching )...went back home to a empty house and slept till 5, then had to attend a wedding in church ( for those of you who dont know me, i go to church VERY often). Now Im writing this blog...exciting!

The only worthwhile fun thing i did this week was watch the movie SHARK TALE! seriously fun, especially if you watch it with someone special...LOL.

That really cheered me up big time, i hope it did you too dear...

Everyone should watch it..and laugh your heads off!

Miss My MSS Bro's and Dearies...when can we meet i Hope soon...

Goodbye Beloved...
