The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Life bites you in the ass......with fangs!

For the first time in my life, i have been bitten, not due to my ignorance but due to my folly ( i believed and trusted someone so much, as i always do with friends, but i made the mistake of not checking the person out thoroughly )

Friends, Romans, Countrymen...lend me your ears.

Friendster, is a double edged sword. If you dont wield it properly, it can cut you in half, when you least expect it. Using it to find old friends is the ultimate good use, finding new friends is the one thing everyone should be wary of.
Trusting a person you just met, with your life, or something personal and secret just like that is so naive...i was stupid also lah, not just naive. Then rumours spread, by word of mouth, until it came full circle, thankfully to someone i trust. She opened my eyes to the situation and gave well recieved advice.

People used to tell me, dont trust anyone Joshua, no matter how close they are. I refused to believe. Now i need to apply it to all NEW friendships i have forged, sadly. Those that have been through thick and thin with me since i came here, i KNOW i can trust them, i just have to be more careful, MUCH MORE, and not get crushed again. i cant afford it.

on another note.

God has a way of bringing people into your life, who you know will stay. but one will stay NEXT to you till you die. I dont know if i have met that one, but i feel we have to connect face to face, before any decision is made, and His approval most importantly.
Someone who will support your ministry, and you hers. Serving Him as one, with one vision.
That is the most important compatibilty...second are your characters. third, your likes/dislikes.
