The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

LOVE is in the AIR

Congrats to SHAMIRA & ISA on your engagement, may ya'll have a beautiful life ahead.
A joyous occasion, of my good friend Shamira, getting enganged to the one she loves for so long now...
I reached the house at 5 after music practise. there were so many people and i was so shy to go in.
Finally i got in and said hi to Mira, and the family. I ate 2wice, not that i was complaining lah, the food was GREAT....YUMMY!
there were also alot of cute girls there also lah... hehe. in fact, before i left, there was one cute girl who shamira's mom asked me to be introduced too lol.....ok lah she was really cute hehe...
but hey...
joshie is joshie