The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Perplexity of Unexpected Sightings

Today was just another day in the life of the ORD guy...(ok so now im known as the ORD guy!) although yesterday wasnt, cause i had a sms session with Dim Sum that made me realise some things, and strengthened others.

Arigato Gozaimashta.

However, a very peculiar sight occured today, as i was busy replacing the rear shock absorber bushing for the Land Rover, (not that ya'll know what the heck im talking about...) i heard a very loud sound from above. At first i thought i was a Chinook coming to land real close...but then i heard many distinct chopping sounds. I rushed out only to see the spectacle of 8 UH-1Hs in a flying V formation...I was awestruck, standing there staring at the choppers. It was a beautiful sight, like out of Vietnam war movie...if only i had a camera...Haiys.
