The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Nemesisskywalker - A new revelation

Nemesis - Greek goddess of revenge/ war - Adversary

Nemesis of the devil, and the evil principalities over our nation, as part of the Church in Singapore. From now on, I shant be an adversary to myself or the people around me, the devil has something (someone) to be afraid of. God's Kingdom Invasion has begun.

Skywalker - The last jedi family - treading the high places - walking ( flying ) on clouds

Skywalking (flying) as a pilot, as my dream would allow me to. But there is a higher purpose i now realise, doing HIS will, then my dreams HE will fulfill.

So put them both together, and you get..Nemesissywalker.

Thank you for that Revelation Lord.
