The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

A tonne of bricks...

Sometimes you are just busy thinking about your life, or you're talking about it with someone you trust....and the person says just one word....and all the questions you've been asking....are answered. God has his timing and his way of revealing things to you.

I asked myself this. Why spend your energy on something that gives nothing in return?
Love (many forms of it)

I asked myself this. Why spend your energy even though you know ** **** ** *****(im not cursing)
Thats when the tonne of bricks hit me.

Well, some 'debris' was falling when i went on the Sembawang Expidition with my brudder. But i have him to thank for starting this 'rockfall'. I know i talk in riddles, but its my way of encoding my thoughts so that few understand.

So i guess ill just let the 'katak di bawah tempurung' come out on its own, ill just stick to what im doing, and my direction. I'll just always be here...till...well, its time
