The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Rallye du Singapour et Deux

Its been a while since i played/chiong sua/run/walk in the rain. It was really a refreshing feeling, the rain hitting your face, cooling your body, as you speed along at 30 km/h on a 4 km long piece of road (Tampines Road). It literally feels like small stones at that speed, but i was fun.
I managed to get out of the house at the right time, in between thunderstorms, and managed to get as far as Old Tampines Road, before it started to pour. I took shelter at a nearby bus stop and put all stuff into Ziplocs (thank God for BMT). Then i waited till it got less heavy and started out again.
The bad thing about Old Tampines Road is that is very poorly lit, has only 2 lanes, and cars normally speed on it. life almost ended.Thank God his protection.
*sigh of relief*
By the time i reached the end of the road, and it came to Tampines Road, the rain was beating hard again, but still i continued, since i was already wet, and hadn't done this in a long time. I stopped halfway through cause it was getting such that i couldnt open my eyes, so i got off, and put on my Ferrari Goggles. LOL. Then continued in the rain all the way to Hougang Ave 3, then along Ave 2, to AMK non-stop. The only crappy thing was the hills and slopes, but surprisingly, this time round, my stamina greatly improved from the last trip with Matthew, and my legs were still raring to go LOL. Plus I was using my gears more.
Reached AMK about 10 plus, and waited for Jeremy, who got worried about me cause i didnt pick up my phone, and cycled to Hougang Ave 2 to look for me...what a bro.
So we met up, and after a refreshing 100 plus at 7-11, we sprinted to Presbytarian High at Yio Chu Kang. Reached there at precisely 2330. Then we made our way along the long route to Yishun via Yio Chu Kang road and Upper Thomson road. Waaaahhh, up and down, up and down, we were going on a roller coaster....
In the rain once again , we stopped and chatted about stuff, near the NESSEA club. Then made our way to Northpoint...via the SUPER BIG SLOPE outside Nee Soon Camp. Lucky for me, my gearing ratio was good, poor jeremy was suffering with his low seating and crappy, yeah training. :P
So we made it to Northpoint, and kept going till we got hungry, so we went to Chong Pang (my camp) and had mashed potato and some chicken briyani from 7-11.

were only halfway there
we cycled through Yishun, up towards Sembawang along Yishun Ave 2. Then we made a detour near the Yishun Fire station, riding in a park along the canal. We rode, and we rode, and we rode some more.....till we reached the mouth of the canal, which led to the sea.
It was beauiful.
Luckily Jeremy's phone had a good camera and video function. So we took some pics ( which i hope will be out soon). Then we cycled back another way....back....
damn darn im tired, and this is a long basically...
Im glad i spent the night with jeremy, and also cause i got to talk to him about certain issues, and waht he said, really made sense. People from the outside can see better, than those inside.
So we managed to pull through to AMK, and then we parted ways.
I had a long loooooooooooooong journey to make back alone, at 4 in the morning....sheesh, but it was fun.
Reached back at 5, and my sis was going to work. So had some nice bread with condensed milk, Milo, had a shower, and plopped onto the bed, with my quads burning like hell, but i managed to endure.
A wonderful expereince.