The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Adventures of Banglore Boy

This mission trip was a breakthrough for me in the area of worship and music, as well, as a bit in the prophetic. I had to overcome my fear of making a mistake (which i did during my solo)...but i managed to pick myself up and lead worship for the main service in the evening...which im thankful to God for. We as a team made sooooo many new friends and a new family, there in Revival Centre Church. We charged up the youth, and gave the worship team some pointers...and just prayed that the Holy Spirit continue to keep the fire going.

Day 1
Took off at around 1.30am from Changi 02 L, on JetStar Asia. Our flying time was 4 hrs, and Banglore is 2.5 hrs behind in time. We managed to get the window exit seats, so there was significantly more leg room for us with longer legs, thank God. So me, Pat and Caleb were in one row, and we bought some drinks, nuts and a pack of playing cards to pass the That was an experience. Anyway, besides all the excitement in flying, and sleeping, or rather trying to sleep, we reached Banglore at 2.30 local time. Uncle Jacob picked us up and we drove to his place where we would be staying.
Oh yes, the temperature was a freezing 13 degrees. hehe. But it was great, seeing India in real life and not in reel life.
We reached the place, unloaded, met his mom and aunt, and the NOISY dog Tagger. Then crashed straight into bed....phew. woke up at 9 for breakfast...down stairs...oh yeah, it was a 3 storey house, one on top of the uncle Jacob's mom cooked a wicked cake thing, and we had it with pudina and chicken curry. Then we headed back up to get over the jet lag. We visited a guy named Steve, who had a gym, and was really impacting the town through that gym...and he took us for lunch...ooh, all the yummy Indian food, bryiani, thosai....whatever else yummy thing you can think of.
Then we had dinner at i forgot
Had a good rest that night...first night in Banglore...cold!!!
OH yeah, we went to CALL CENTRE CHURCH....amazing voices, amazing guitarists!

Day 2
I realise i have SOOOOO much to write.
Sigh, ill make it in point form.

Breakfast at home, relaxed today abit, lunch at i forgot where...i think it was auntie Annanmah who took us out that day...hmm, with Priscilla. It was my first ride in an Auto ( three wheeled taxi). Had another indian feast lol. (a lot more to come ). Before that we visited her husbands polyclinic/hospital and we prayed for most of the patients and staff there. I really cant remember friday....dont know why...hmm.

Day 3
Today was my Big day...two worship sessions, one with the youth, and the other with the main service...I really needed God'd annointing, and his presence to be there.
Anyway, we had a great time...Jumping around like jack rabbits..well, i was anyway...some of them were. But we had a Rockin, then we rushed back , changed, and I had to lead the next service!!! Once again, God's annointing...not me. Was as nervous as dont even know what i was nervous as. Anyway, that night was a success, in terms of ministry...and friendship

Day 4 - Sunday monrin
Was the Typical Morning service there...with Hymns...oh gosh...i felt so like in an orthodox church. But the after the message...Auntie clare led in a short time of worship...which was a refresher. We made more friends...many more. Auntie Rowena had a short session with the children, during sunday school, and i played the piano ( the OLD, New York made piano). That night the meeting was the best, our team really broke through in worship and some of the people really broke through, which was encouraging.
We had dinner at a Chinese Restaurant about 10 mins walk away...

Joke of the trip...
In India...when someone says "The place is just there only", it actually means, "...go the juncution of a main road, take an auto, travel about 2 kilometers".

Day 5
We started our shopping...
Commercial Street
A Bible Shop
And most of them bought stuff, except me. Thats my style lah.
At night, Pastor Ferdinand (senior pastor there), and Jascile, and Debbie, took us out for dinner, to this great place called Richie' Indian restraunt, but the ambiance was soooo middle eastern, and posh. And the Chicken Tikka was MOUTH BURNING!!!!
Took a ride on Jas's bike...Oh what a ride...on that Royal Anfield. But im still never buying a bike.

Day 6
Continued our shopping...
Banglore Central (which happned to look a lot like PS)
Then back to commercial street where i bought a beautiful designer Kurta and 2, yes 2, churidar...all for 3500 rupees. which would SGD 134.00
After which we went back to our place to rest.
Dexter and Jacky took us over to their place for dinner, and fellowship...
Then they sent us back, for our last min packing and getting ready...
Flight was at 3.30 am. And we touched down at 02 L at 10.25

There is one thing about Banglore, the people there are genuine, and the are hospitable beyond measure.
My new friends (family) is listed no particular order.
Chris Yates
Debbie David
Priscilla Thomas
Abigail Thomas
Rebecca's cute sis who toddles around in her pampers.
Not forgetting Jascile
Auntie Annamah

you are in my heart.

All in all, God was there.
It was a success, cant wait to go back.