The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Wet Holidays...

Twas a wet Tuesday morning, the rain was pouring, the birds werent singing, and it was cold, clammy and *icky*...
Sigh, i just hope its not like this by the 21st of Jan. I want Yvonne to have the best birthday possible, and of course, Joanne too, and then Me when i get back from India.
Its going to be tough... I have to worship lead 2 sessions...Its my first time in front of such a big crowd, and a foreign crowd some more...sigh...
I really need help from above.


Today Im going with YD to get his new car. A black Kia Rio. And im Going to be the official designer. Then after that ive got to go to a bbq, but i don't know if its going to be successful, cause of the rain...

joshie out