The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Day 3 - Heart of Worship

Today was Rakhi's im not so mean.
Ever since so long ago...ive been getting vibes. Vibes of a certain nature, that i know she knows i sense, and she wants me to know it. But then again, i dont want to assume.

We had a nice dinner/supper at Simpang Bedok, which was soooo over priced. Satay for 50c a stick???come on rather go to Lau Pa Sat, there only 40c. But the food was nice lah, and the scenery too. Hehe, sometimes im glad im in Singapore and not KL. The minah's here are a

Well, this weekend ive got a chalet the WHOLE weekend. till monday...dont know how im going to survive.

A distant love, a farther pain, an unbearable yoke. I miss her.
