The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Hating my Self, Tearing up to pieces cause of my weakness...

Everytime this happens, i wish i didn't have any feelings or emotions. Or i was just a stone wall.
I never want to hurt anyone, i just wish i could express my feelings...shit. Its so bloody hard when she i so far away.
And I am to blame for not having the best self-control, which has landed me in shit now.
Blame me again for keeping to myself when i should have talked to someone.
Now i am the thorn of two roses.
And i just ruined one.


My heart is in a million pieces, broken by my own bloody destructive indecisiveness.

If she was here, it'd change everything. Everything.
Sorry is not going to be enough to change things, or repair them.
Im really lost.
Thats it.
Im an asshole and i know it. now leave me alone. thanks.