The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Going to KL tomorrow morning...So everyone try not to msg me. LOL.
Ill be back on the 20th early morning.
After enjoying myself at the Sepang F1.
I hope i can get there and back in one piece.

Those of you who can, pray for my safe journey to and fro.

See everyone soon.

Joshie away!!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, ##NAME##, Well, what d'you know, that's quite a blog. Good stuff! Keep up the good work. John ##LINK##

3:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, ##NAME##. you've certainly been beavering away, here. I'm very impressed with your blog, it is very good. All the best, Rex, ##LINK##

10:54 AM

Blogger Grass Cutter said...

Dear Joshua

How've you been? You've been missing in action though. Didn't see you online & neither did you blog. You ok?

BeL™ †

8:53 PM


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