The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Mayday! Mayday!

Mayday! Mayday! This is flight JZ 24, we have a twin engine blowout, and we are rapidly losing altitude. I repeat, we have a twin engine blowout, and we are losing altitude.

Just when you think everything is going well, something unexpected comes along and brings with it a heap of dissappointment.
Though not intentional, my heart did break. But later i realised, i was just being presented a set of rules and i needed to respect and follow them closely if i wanted this to work.

I was just hurt at the intial reaction.
" I just have no mood".
That just broke my heart into a million pieces, and threw me into confusion.

After clarification though, i realised what was happening. And I know i did the right thing and gave the right words.

joshie out.

Meanwhile, in my life, i realise there is alot of responsibilty on me, A BLOODY lot.
And im accountable for alot of things. I hope that after today, my situation will be come through faster. And after the discipline is increased, things i know will get better.

Lord help me.