The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Captain's Log 194.5115 - A Beachy Day

Sun, Sand and Sea...3 words that would bring a sigh of relief to most Singaporeans in this concrete utopia/jungle/hutan/forest/rows of tall grey things. The only place to find such a haven ( a clean one ) is Sentosa, our wonderful Island's playground.

Taking into account that we were going on a saturday, my youth group decided to meet at 9am, which ended up being 10 am, due to some members having problems with the volume of thier alarm clocks. Nonetheless, the show had to go on. Eventually reaching the targetted Tanjong Beach, we set up camp and claimed the area for God and country! ( ok too dramatic).

The soccer ball and the volleyball immediately appeared and the group was thrown into a game of Bola Racun (poison ball). Which was enjoyed thoroughly by both the youths and those trying to be youths...

Lunch was served and more games played until the sun began to set upon that enjoyable and marvelous Saturday. Although i could not do much ( ok all i did was sit there on my little white chair watching the little white bikinis.....i mean jeans and t-shirts, playing in the water), i did thouroughly enjoy my time out of the house...finally

Wish someone had brought a digicam instead of a normal one, THANKS TO MY SISTER!

At the end we ended up losing 2 of our youngest members, through some kind of government oversight, and were guided along a MILE LONG PATH, by an unqulaified tour guide, resulting in a LONG detour.

But in the end, everyone made it home. safe and sound, asleep on thier beds.