The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Life In The Fast Lane

Its been almost 3 weeks since my last post, making me wonder why i started this blog in the first place. Only to realise it was to journal my thoughts (Duh!). Some ppl are just so dumb!

Im currently in OETI, on course to become a vehicle techie (mechanic lah! repairing jeeps and trucks). A fun job, that will equip me with the basic skills to reapair and modify my car. Which was what i always dreamed of, so im Happy!

Ive just been Downgraded to Pes C2L2 Permanent! That means no more IPPT or Marching! Hooray! An NSF's dream, well not really. If i was still in the Air Force, I'd be happily Pes A and Chionging through OCS. But alas, i have no purpose in Ns now, except being a mechanic. So no use in stressing myself, and chionging.

Other than that, my life has been pretty exciting, well, ever since i put certain pics on my Friendster (taken by Min), i've been getting a lot of friend requests....mostly from ppl i dont know. Ok they are all girls! Well what can i do? Out of the "few" only 3 survived, LOL, like reality show like that (the Bachelor). All of them are actually from overseas, less one from TP.

Weekday life is a chore, waking up at 5.30 is so shitty and cumbersome! And my camp is all the way in the west, Ayer Rajah.....sianz! But you got to pay the price of freedom of 8 to 5. At least i can sleep in my own comfy bed!

Well, my life goes on with or without the world turning.

Life is a Box of CHocolated Covered STraWBerry CheeseCakeSliCES.