The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Friday, July 29, 2005

NIGHT OF THE LIVING BLOG...and sonicfest

Wah liao eh! suddenly got so many tags one happy (makes the peace sign)!

Thanks to everyone who's taking the time to learn more about me...friendships last better if you undserstand and accept the person for who he/she is.

Yest was the first day of sonicfest.....all i can say is


Talk about atmosphere, it was sensational..with sonicedge, and planetshakers. Our God is really great huh...i mean it was so fun, for a first day, and the crowd was also great and participative, though most only came in about 8 plus...haiys
i wish more ppl could come. i mean so many wasted tickets, and saturday's tickets are all sold out...
Joshie on the way to Sonicfest.