The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Repititive, Repetition, Repercussion, Why..... (leaving for KL)

Yesterday, was a totally unfruitful day. I actually gave the benefit of a doubt, and in return i got the same old story again...why, why, why, why, why....and i was totally calm and i just listened, till the point insults were being unecessarily thrown about and vulgarities, were being spewed from a certain mouth. This was unacceptable, so i just ended it there and we just left, i had to endure a few painful physical actions ( for what? i dont know)

Rushed home cause i had a TOP SECRET project to work on, one that i truly enjoyed...then in the morning, lucky i woke up in time to help avert a major disaster. :P

Then i found out.....haiys.....i wont say it. All i CAN say is, it was hurtful, unecessary, and ultimately.....shitty.

I just hope that from now on, things will get better.

I pray

joshie :(

tomorrow im leaving for KL, shopping, but my mind is still here....and my heart to, in another.