The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Second blessing.ORD ORD ORD ORD

This morning, we all mustered for morning roll call, and after my FSM gave his brief, my 2IC gave an announcement.

"I just want to appreciate, these few people who took the initiative to paint and redecorate the restroom. Joshua, Matthew.....and these people will be awarded 1 day off each for their effort."

Im already off on monday, and on leave on guess what, that only leaves TOMMORROW. lol. So...i got an additional 1.5 days off. Wow, what a blessing.

Its ORD in 4 days...and im getting excited!!!!

Christmas is round the corner...presents..that are sadly on a budget cause of the darn SAF.

Im soooooo free...hehe. yipeee!!!!

Now begins my new life, with Christ...and my family and my friends.

Announcing the arrival of Flight JR2006. All passengers please proceed to boarding gate J2.