The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Yest managed to catch X3, 17 of us..damn big group lah. It was fun but i had to sit alone cause 17 IS an odd number..but it was interesting sitting are free to express yourself.
Like when Prof. X dies...haiys, killed by Jean, well not really was Dark Phoenix...shit man, she is really scary...something about her just made her seem soo powerful...and uncontrollled...i guess thats what i fear most, not being able to control my powers ( actually myself lah ). But its really a scary thought.
Also another thing glad to know that He is in control of my love life, and im thankful for Him for showing me what was wrong, and who was actually the right one all along. Thank you.
But i now know its up to me to keep on this path.
The one laid before me. And especially not deviate.

so the final verdict....

well, another good movie, another guided life, and a mended heart.

joshie out.

P.S. there will be an X4 lah...confirm one. For all those nuts who didnt stay after the credits...well too bad hahhhaha.