The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Price of Distance

To Be Read On That Day.

The price has been paid. In full.
The unexpected, totally unexpected.

Though my heart hurts beyond controllability, I cannot bring myself to anger. I know I am partly to blame. My not being there, caused a longing, beyond controllable desire. With the intoxication of endorphines, flowing from every cell in her body...

My heart knew something was wrong, I just didnt dare ask her. Not wanting to anger or sadden. I can't blame anyone now, nor do I want to.
We are now equal. At the same level, and the almost the same form of the experience. In a sick way, I am relieved. Maybe its because, now I don't have to feel guilty when the time comes. Tears flowing down my cheeks now, because I know, despite this equality, we have lost something really special.

Move forward is what we are doing. Putting the past behind us, and sticking even more faithfully. I know and hope this has made us realise how close we have to be, because of the distance. We understand each other now, even better.

The day will come when we will look back at this, and cry and weep, but at the same time, I know we'll be holding each other tight and realising how much we love each other, how much we've grown, and how far we've come.

I love you. I'm forever yours, faithfully.

To Be Read On That Day.