The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Sunday, July 31, 2005


DAY 3 So finally it has come to an end (very sadly) and the bands are gone, the dancers are gone, and the jumping up and down like pogo sticks....haiys gonna miss all that....most of all, missing the 'electric' atmosphere of hundreds of stinky sweaty youths jumping around like jellybeans worshipping God as one. It was AWSOME. Sonic Edge and Sonic Flood were AWSOME.
Arrived at 1.30. after rushing from City Hall, after praying for the rain to stop. Just in time as Riverz were about to go up on stage. Saw Dim Sum, and Dim Sum' sis, and Kris, and Jeremy a.k.a. Banana Man, Brian, Lydia, and the soooo sorry i cant remember all your names. It was really a miracle that God stopped the rain just as the dancers were going out. After the dance, mixed around with some of the streams in RIVERZ, and got to know them a bit better. went around with Dim Sum a bit ( ok a lot lah..about 4 hours was the beginning. ) I really got to know her a lot more, and the more i talked to her, the more i ........ :)
We checked out DJ Scud spinning house music. It was so cool, like being in some club. Had our picture taken a comment made about how good we looked together...*blush* Then went downstairs and Dim Sum changed into her beautiful white top and jeans shorts....Damn, she looked gorgeous....
Then the fun started....the final groups of dancers came on. And the most unexpected thing happened...after the first group of dancers finished ( they were very good btw ), i heard a loud sound from behind the trees. Suddenly 3 F16s shot out above us...followed by the "five point star break" was soooooooooooo cool, i was drooling immediately. what happened afterward was even more amazing...a flying display of the RSAFs aircraft...directly above our heads....

C130 with a Fokker 50 and an E2C in in formation.....follwed by 3 Chinooks.....follwed by 3 F16s in a vertical climb with full after burners, half loop twist into a dive....AWSOME...then the coup de gras....A KC135 with four F5s in Refuelling formation.....SWEET.

Then the fun restarted with Sonic Edge....and then.....SONICFLOOD!!! THEY ROCKED THE HOUSE....this was the best fun i said in my previous post, what more could i ask Dim Sum next to me, Worshipping God together, and Enjoying some KILLER CHRISTiAN ROCK....



Saturday, July 30, 2005



Day 2 of the festival. An unexpected meeting that melted my heart. Sujeeta. But WOW....VERTICAL RUSH, PLANET SHAKERS, SONICfLOOD...the names were big, the music louder and God...HUGE. we were jumping and jumping, and singing and singing and jiving and jiving...and i was ROCKING to SONICfLOOD, with my Dim Sum Dollie behind me, and our Saviour present...what more could i ask for?

i really want my life to be according to GODs plan...and i really want to use this gift of music he has given me to the max. And if the girl i love is in tune with my call and God, how much more sweeter.

I was nervous when i was walking towards her, my hands were jittery. but when she turned around and i saw her, a sudden peace came over me, and i just was so myself. hmmm....HMMMMMM.....
said hi to kristen, and her other friends..great meeting them all, and cant wait to see them dance tomrorrow...hehe.

Well, got to burn Dim Sum's Video and sleep early, cause tomorrow have to go for scholarship exhibition. i know God will do something tomorrow, he wont fail me. i wont fail him tonight.


Friday, July 29, 2005

NIGHT OF THE LIVING BLOG...and sonicfest

Wah liao eh! suddenly got so many tags one happy (makes the peace sign)!

Thanks to everyone who's taking the time to learn more about me...friendships last better if you undserstand and accept the person for who he/she is.

Yest was the first day of sonicfest.....all i can say is


Talk about atmosphere, it was sensational..with sonicedge, and planetshakers. Our God is really great huh...i mean it was so fun, for a first day, and the crowd was also great and participative, though most only came in about 8 plus...haiys
i wish more ppl could come. i mean so many wasted tickets, and saturday's tickets are all sold out...
Joshie on the way to Sonicfest.

Friday, July 22, 2005


My Future Ride...All Tricked Out...

Saturday, July 16, 2005

LOVE is in the AIR

Congrats to SHAMIRA & ISA on your engagement, may ya'll have a beautiful life ahead.
A joyous occasion, of my good friend Shamira, getting enganged to the one she loves for so long now...
I reached the house at 5 after music practise. there were so many people and i was so shy to go in.
Finally i got in and said hi to Mira, and the family. I ate 2wice, not that i was complaining lah, the food was GREAT....YUMMY!
there were also alot of cute girls there also lah... hehe. in fact, before i left, there was one cute girl who shamira's mom asked me to be introduced too lol.....ok lah she was really cute hehe...
but hey...
joshie is joshie

Friday, July 15, 2005

You never know...

The Heli-Rapelling accident in the SAF, have added to the recent spate of deaths.
How could this happen?
Safety compromised?

Why was a 24 year old guy, the only son in his family, the sole breadwinner, the pillar of support, taken away in an instant?

Well, all of us in camp started to think...
When are we going? Are we ready? Are our lives good enuf? Its up to us to decide.

Yesterday, as i was talking to my friend about the incident, at the smoking point and we were talking about reasons why he died. As i left the corner, the sky suddenly turned dark, and the wind started howling...i looked up and thew whole sky looked like a scene out of War of the Worlds.


For a single break in the clouds, with the sunlight shining through ( im not adding salt and pepper ). It was then that i heard God speak, *paraphrase* " Don't be afraid, everything in this world is under my control." Mervin confirmed it today with a verse from the Bible. Im glad that we are having our fellowship in the office every Friday. I feel that the atmosphere around the workshop is improving, and the people are teamworking. Our little worship and prayer session helps keep us on track when the negatives around us are too great. We can always find encouragement in God's family.

Went to watch CRASH GV Yishun.
A movie about racism in the US, stereotypes, family ties and the SIX DEGREES of SEPERATION. With an all-star cast and a intruiging and deviously intertwined plot. The acting is first class, and the actors brilliant.

whole weekend booked
sian and excited


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Just another day in paradise...( actually also sujANGEL's birthday! )

Once a year, we arrive at a day which brings to memory all the past events of our lives, and makes us think about what we will be like 5 years from this moment. *breaks into song....From this moment...ok gets back to reality*
What most of us fail to remember, is how the One who created us has had His hand guiding us all the way. Even when we think we are lost completely, he is actually just there, always trying to talk to us, and its we who are too tuned to the world's music or the music of our problems, we fail to listen to the directions to get us out of the SHIT we are in.
Life is a Beautuiful, Guided journey...with Him
Today i went to 6DSMB again, fix the NDP vehicles. If there is anything i love about 6D...its going home at so much time to relax. And DRIVE THE LAND ROVER WITHOUT LISCENCE....he he, i very naughty what have i driven?...
Plus i have DRIFTED IN A GD 240!!! YES DRIFTED!!!! LOL ala INITIAL D...he he ...
was so fun man, and scary the first time....almost did a 180 spin..
Well, i guess i can practise my driving, its getting better and better btw...

Friday, July 08, 2005

Perplexity of Unexpected Sightings

Today was just another day in the life of the ORD guy...(ok so now im known as the ORD guy!) although yesterday wasnt, cause i had a sms session with Dim Sum that made me realise some things, and strengthened others.

Arigato Gozaimashta.

However, a very peculiar sight occured today, as i was busy replacing the rear shock absorber bushing for the Land Rover, (not that ya'll know what the heck im talking about...) i heard a very loud sound from above. At first i thought i was a Chinook coming to land real close...but then i heard many distinct chopping sounds. I rushed out only to see the spectacle of 8 UH-1Hs in a flying V formation...I was awestruck, standing there staring at the choppers. It was a beautiful sight, like out of Vietnam war movie...if only i had a camera...Haiys.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005


To everyone reading,
click below for the SHACKLE FREE photos.




Monday, July 04, 2005


Shackle Free indeed!

The concert was a success, everything went smoothly, the band was EXCELLENT! (thanks to Pas. Cyrus, David, Tony, Ramauld, Raymund and Allen...these guys ROCK!!!) pics coming soon.

The prelude to the concert was 7 days of hard work by every one in the drama, dance, and decoration...
TO THE SWAT TEAM....thanks to everyone for making this a success...!

Decoration was a killer, 3 days of going back at 2330 or 0000 hrs was killing, even to the last 5 mins before the start...we were still fine tuning the was by God's grace that all was completed beautifully...the ancient torches, the spider web, the entrance logo, the backdrop...everything was great. everyone also brought thier friends and everyone enjoyed the semi-rock concert...the dance was so HIP HOP....and the girls did well, all of them ( even with a minor slip! ) The Drama went on without MAJOR glitches, though many a line was forgotten...
LOL. I brought Brandon, and Shu Ting for the concert. He rededicated his life, and God spoke to him.

On Sunday, the Band played for the we have a level to look forward and aim to. I really bonded with the guys, and i guess we will be visiting when im in KL.

Sunday also happened to be Youth Day, we were prayed for...all the youths.
God spoke one word which was critical at this point in time, "I will supernaturally intervine in your career situation."
The words i needed to hear, when im at a crossroad with no exit. Now there is a direction to follow.
I need to make some changes in my life also, and pursue His plan, and also someone i cant stop thinking about.

joshie has flown to the wild blue yander.