The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Saturday, July 30, 2005



Day 2 of the festival. An unexpected meeting that melted my heart. Sujeeta. But WOW....VERTICAL RUSH, PLANET SHAKERS, SONICfLOOD...the names were big, the music louder and God...HUGE. we were jumping and jumping, and singing and singing and jiving and jiving...and i was ROCKING to SONICfLOOD, with my Dim Sum Dollie behind me, and our Saviour present...what more could i ask for?

i really want my life to be according to GODs plan...and i really want to use this gift of music he has given me to the max. And if the girl i love is in tune with my call and God, how much more sweeter.

I was nervous when i was walking towards her, my hands were jittery. but when she turned around and i saw her, a sudden peace came over me, and i just was so myself. hmmm....HMMMMMM.....
said hi to kristen, and her other friends..great meeting them all, and cant wait to see them dance tomrorrow...hehe.

Well, got to burn Dim Sum's Video and sleep early, cause tomorrow have to go for scholarship exhibition. i know God will do something tomorrow, he wont fail me. i wont fail him tonight.
