The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Well, where shall i start...
Festival was awsome with Hillsongs and Delirious...reached at 3 plus after church cause my sisters didnt want to get horrible got in queue, and waited for Brian, and the rest of the gang from GTC...was so nice though, meeting more people from GTC, and getting to know SujAngel's friends, turns out i have a lot in common, and im like so comfortable with them, which is unusual but a great feeling...we also did some illegal stuff lah...( i cant believe i did that, but if we didnt, everyone would have been everywhere, and i wouldn't have gotten the best seat in the house... ;) but the praise and worship was worth the long wait... all the new songs from the Look to You album, and the greatest hits from Delirious...and one of the unexpected things that happened was me getting to hold Suj's hand and praise Him with dancing....that was way cool...and sweet. But i must say...sonicfest was better, with riverz and sonicflood.

Was really a last minute thing, when i woke up at 12.30 on the 9th, i walked to the dining table and saw a video cam...the first time i just thought..Oh...a videocam...then i went to my room..then i rushed out and went....ARRHGGGHH, a VIDEO CAM!!....hehe..was so surprised. My dad actually borrowed it from his office.....and it was a BLOODY GOOD ONE TOO lol....So i called Cherine and asked if she was still up for some more fireworks...after last night's midnight fireworks( in the next segment ). So we met at city hall, and walked all the way to Esplanade, which was soooo crowded, but i was determined to use the BLOODY GOOD VIDEO CAM, and take some wonderful shots....i mean how could i miss all those planed sooooo close....chance of a lifetime...the video will be up on a later date...hopefully..
lol. SO yeah, we like managed to squeeze our way to the front, only to be entertained by a guy in a red suit with horns dancing to some R& so we waited....

and waited...

and waited....


we waited some more..

THEN, the Chinooks, lined up, with the state flag underslung, and flew towards us with accuracy, and sytle...WAS hehe
Then of course came the F16s, with afterburners screaming, breaking into an beautiful starburst ( i almost cried.. haha). Directly above me.
About half 15 mins later, we watched in silent amazement, as the RSAF paraded its might.
First came the Chinooks, in twin bladed glory, flanked by Super Pumas...
Then came the transport and operations aircraft, C130, Fokker 50 and the ever viglant E2C...
Majestically pursued by the most amazing sight.....a streamlined KC135, winged on each side by 2 F5Es...i have never seen such an astounding sight...
Then as all eyes were fixed on the Enormous tanker above our heads...2 F16s approached with blinding speed, and did a crossover into a breakaway.....i was just lost for words by this point...then they circled around as 2 more did a death defying cross into each others paths. Circling around, the first aircraft kicked in its afterburners, and shot into a superb vertical climb......ABOVE MY HEAD.....ARGGGGHHH....

im lost for words to describe any of this anymore....just watch the video when it comes out please..

Then we just waited for the highlight of the evening....
FIREWORKS....3 locations all together, the Esplanade Bridge, Marina Bay and Marina South...i had trouble trying to focus..

i can only say, watch the video...

then we had to battle our way the the INFAMOUS SINGAPORE AFTER PARTY CROWD....and walked all the way to BUGIS to take a BUS..aiyo...

FWF( Fireworks Festival )
Through rain and shine...muddy shoes and huge crowds....we pressed on....and there it was...
The most beautiful sight you could ever imagine, synchronised to the most captiviting music, clouds of fire, sparkles and light, fulfilling the wildest and brightest Van Gogh...All i can say is should have been there...just for that 15 minutes of wonder and beauty. A picture in your mind for ever.

Dear Suj, i really hope you can come on the 14th, i dont want you to miss this...