The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


So now phase 1 is over, basic theory....something i should have done a loooooooong time ago lah. i feel sooo stupid now for not taking it earlier...i could be driving by now...haiys. I guess He has a reason for delaying me, maybe cause i wouldnt have understood a car the way i do now. And not illegally practised as much as i have...haha.
But hey...

Final theory booked........31st OCT. waaahh so fast...i dont know why i booked so fast also.
now must cram....

another joshie day....playing at PLMC....on invitaion. for HIM alone.
so.. see ya.
*heart let down, buried in a shallow grave*
