The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Worship in Motion / Bleeding Heart

Worship in Motion was a success. It only showed the professionalism of Riverz and their ability to touch hearts through dance. I thoroughly enjoyed it, my feet were moving, and my butt shaking. Though my heart was aching, I still managed to appreciate the talent, dedication, and beauty of dance, through Riverz.
Congratulations to all who participated, the organising committee, esp. Kris, X.H., Joanna, and the one person which connected me to the rest, Sujeeta Elizabeth Menon.

tears flow down, where none trickled before,
my heart aches, everyday a little more;
though he has my heart, which i have given him,
it still hurts, cause trust could so easily be given to another,
regardless of how long i was known.
Though somethings maybe true, feelings were never covered in a shroud.
Habits and traits have been changing, but trust i know can never easily be restored.
Some things were assumed, some things were not.
How do you tell fact from fiction? His friends, who have been close to him since he was reborn in Singapore? How well does she know her, how well do they know me? how well does she know well, do i know her?
This web of lies, misunderstanding, and deceit...was never meant to be. But it has happened.
We can only STOP, THINK, ACT, RECONCILE...though the latter is the hardest.
Human chances are only given once, His chances, are everlasting.
I was not even given one. I feel.
No chance to explain fully, no chance to straighten my folly.
Don't i even deserve a chance? Do you trust the words of someone you just met over someone who you know for so much longer, who your friends are close to, who is begging for forgiveness?
Or are you just trying to cover skeleton that's still in the closet?
What do you want O' Lavender Butterfly Queen?

All i want is a chance to clear my name, cause it should be.

Beyond that, a chance to put this aside, and show feelings, i leave it to Him, in His time.
