The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Operation Red Flag

Another sunday in felt very distant and alone. From everyone, and from Him. Was almost totally switched off...went for prayer, the pastor just prayed no prophecy...hmm. Am i to get directions from Him a corner now.

Met Fernando after church and went for Operation Red Flag at the omnimax theather...was sooooo cool. but also at one point, brought tears to my eyes once again. some things are just hard to let go of. very hard.

Its only me a Him right now. other things in my life are buried or put on hold. i feel so helpless, but i am still holding on to my faith and the prophecy of the open door. what else do i have. sometimes i just wish to hear some encouragement from her, cause i havent heard her voice in a looong time...

Well, i guess the lily grows best without interference, allowed to be the best that she can be. Just hope she knows that there will always be someone who cares for her and waiting to catch her if she slips and falls, no matter the circumstance.

"My hope it lies in you alone. My Lord and my salvation..."
