The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

A night to remember...

2 am, and the rain is pouring....*oops! wrong song!* hehe.

Was actually 1745 in the evening on thursday when i left my house. I love to do most of my shopping, less for clothes, alone. So i took the train to Bugis, and down to a certain wallet shop. I have my reasons for buying this beautiful, purple butterfly motifed wallet. The main reason was cheering a certain someone up, cause i knew she was really sad cause of certain outcomes. Anyway, after going through 5, yes FIVE different designs, and a few smses. I finally made the choice, and was praying all throughout that i didnt choose the wrong one. :p

Made my way through Bugis street all the way to Sim not for computer stuff, on the contrary, to get a fuel bottle for my R/C car. Many dont know this, but there is an R/C shop at the basement.

I love shopping alone sometimes cause it gives me time to think and choose, and find the best possible deal. No pressure, no rush, just you, your money and the thing you want to buy....provided you have enough in your EZlink card lah. You can go anywhere. I have gone from Tampines to Jurong, then to Orchard, just looking for a particular car model i wanted to buy (for a good price). I guess it shows my determination if getting what i want. And im not giving up. Neither on my studies, nor on....well.... :)

So after Sim Lim, i went to Komala Villas at Tekka, and bought some sweet stuff, which i know Dim Sum and her family would love. (I love evrything i bought also, so it wasnt hard to choose).

Then took 143 or was it 147....sheesh, cant remember. Anyway, was supposed to get down at the Serangoon MRT station, but unfortunately, i got down 1 bus stop to i had to walk and try and find a bus to get to her house. Oh ya, my whole journey of explaoration was driven by two factors, give the thread i bought to Auntie Malini, and also to make Dim Sum feel a little better.

So yeah, stopped over, and Auntie Malini, being the kind hospitable 'mom' that she is, invited me in for a drink, which became a converstaion, which became dinner, which became, more conversation, and then Pram came back, more convertsation, 'muruku', pineapple tarts, then Dim Sum's dad came back...then came the best got into a conversation about spiritual maturity, and the right age for marriage....*Gosh, what was i getting into*....but i found out he was not the strong but silent type, but very knowledagble, and i was really astounded and blessed to be able to talk to him. We both dont fancy football, and plan to start the MWDFS 'Men Who Don't Fancy Soccer' club.........


Kidding. But yeah, we have that in common, and badminton. i guess its off to a good start. What is? you ask....well that is for me to know.....and for you never to find out.....
(well depends who YOU are)

So yeah, talked until quite late, the family getting to know me much more. The funny thing was however....said subject was not there. Once again, my point is proven, but no one seems to believe me.*sigh*. Left at 1130++ then took a cab back, and knocked out straight.

Today...Friday...woke up, got changed, and met Bridget, from Perth, at Orchard, and we went for lunch at Swensens at Orchard. Was a crappy piece of Fish and Chips that i had to emulsify in my mouth, and swallow. *yuck*. But at least it filled my stomach. So after our lunch and little walk around Orchard. She had to go. Was nice meeting her after so long :)

Neways, walked around Orchard abit, then went to Bras Basah to get a good hobby knife. And then church for a special prophetic combined (8 churches) prayer meeitng. After the Annointed but minimalistic worship, we had dinner, and now im back typing away...

Im just really glad about yesterday, though it could have been better, i know everything is in his time.
