The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Monday, November 21, 2005


Just came back from a birthday party at loyang villas, with my family, senior pastor's family , and some other leaders. Had some great chappati, dahl, salad, tiramisu ice cream with brownies. oooohhh..yum yum.
Though i'd love to say i enjoyed myself, the statement above would only be 1/4 truth.

Sometimes people are so afraid to offend or lose someone you care about that you never let them know what you truly think. 2 things can happen.
1) You lose every opportunity you get to let them know who you are.
2) You hurt that person when he/she realises that he/she is not needed, wanted or thought about in a specific way. ( the hurt is in not being frank, open and honest ).

Funny how the same thinking can produce 2 different results.

*tears of determination*

Still i press on, why? Not because of a goal i have to achieve. Not because to prove to myself i can do it. Because what i see, the hope and future, no one else has put inside me except...Him. I know it because for the first time i can see Him in every aspect. He has his time, He has his season. For the two major things in my life now.

In the modified lyrics of a famous boy band ( not that i listen to them)....
"What do i gotta do to make you....know me?"

joshie out.