The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Days of wine and roses.

Went to all the way to PS to get a christmas present for Yvonne. I was eyeing this big brown bear last week...and yest, when i went...someone had ripped the sad. So i had to get her some scandinavian chocolates instead. Then i rushed to her place in a cab.

Im glad it was a new start for us. We had our differences and situations, but i guess, friends will always remain if they're heart is true, NO matter what the differences. Thanks Yvonne.

As for the rest of my life, im at a dilemma for one thing, and settled another, and having faith for the most important. So i guess, im pretty normal now. Thats good in a way, or maybe im just supressing my heart into a small tin can, like the Tin Man, from the Wizard of Oz.
Sometimes everyone wishes they were Dorothy, click you heels twice and your back in Kansas

Reality check!

We can't. So we have to learn from our mistakes, right the wrong if we can, forgive (Eph 4:32 - Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.). So no matter the differences, we have to keep our friends close, cause you never know when you might be able to bless them or they be a blessing to you. Sadly i have to say this, if someone close has helped you, either voluntarily or involuntarily, you have a connection with them whether you like it or not, there will always be memories.

As one family in Christ, every opportunity to strengthen each other. Cause we are one church, working together for the same goal. This has been my dream and vision since young. And it had already started with the 7 covenented churches, and the prophecy for this year is also the Church coming together, no matter denomination...and being and influence to the nation. I just am sad that some people can't see this vision yet, or refuse to accept it with other people.

I have learnt so many times before, when the oppprtunity presents itself in your face, take it, its there for a reason. If you lose it, don't regret it later, cause God gave you the opportunity, but you were too caught up in your own affairs to be aware or hear Him clearly. Sadly it hurts when you realize its too late. Its one thing to be in the Permissive will of God, another to be in the Perfect will. God has a plan for everyone of us. But we are given the free will of choice, to know and be in it, or to follow OUR selfish personal dreams and live the way we like, thinking we are doing what God wants us to, just because we aren't doing anything wrong.

Oh dear, ive typed a message. lol. But its from my heart, so i hope it benefits someone who reads this.

joshie out.