The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Dearly Departed...

Today was a day of mourning, but in that mourning we also find hope, and life eternal.
Mdm Martha, my senior pastor's mom funeral was held today.
So we had the funeral at teck whye, then headed out to the mandai crematorium.
Such a beautiful place.
Made me realise again what little time we have on this earth, and the reality of death...
But the hope of eternal life, in Christ, is what we can hold on to.

Funny how a person's death can make families, no matter how torn apart...,come together.

Was so glad to see so many old friends, and people i really miss.
I just wish people could so easily put their diff aside.

joshie out.