The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year, New Beginnings.

Well, at the stroke of midnight, i was watching the sky unfurl with a myriad of colours, fire, and smoke. Though not up to Festival standards, beautiful nonetheless.
Im glad i spent it with the friends who are the closest to me.
My bro.s and my dearies. *only one wasn't there*.
We walked about a bit, sat down here and there, chit chatted, then walked onto the esplanade bridge around midnight. And we were just in time for the fireworks which was our main item on the agenda.
After the party and hugs and kisses hehheee.. the rest went over to Nat's place to continue with some mahjong and drinks.
Pity i couldnt join, cause the next day i had service in the morning. you know my heart was with you guys, even with my eyes closed! :P

Starting the new year with the one who created you is great if not better than anything in this world. cause he is always there, anytime anywhere.

Well, there are many things that i wished i could have done in 2005, and people i wished were closer, but i guess, everything has its time and place.

Im going to start my life and focus on my call and future now.
