The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Chirstmas is round the Corner !!

Two days worth of stories, in a single post...wahh...a lot leh.

Before i start off, i would request everyone who reads this to take time to listen to the song on my blog, "We are the reason" a rendition by Avalon. This i feel beautifully communicates the TRUE meaning of Chirstmas.

I was put in charge of organising Tabernacle of Holiness' and SWAT's FIRST carolling outing. What a headache, the amount of preperation and communincation, and also planning. My gosh, now i know how my dad felt all those years! So many ppl to call, who to cook dinner, who to get snacks. I was literally at my wits end, cause I also was put in charge of my HOUSE deco! But I guess, when you do something you love (art deco) for someone you love (your family) it doesnt matter how late you sleep, or how much you spend. Cause your heart is in it.
We met at 4 at church to practise the carols, and after numerous delays...we set off at 8 to Auntie Clare's house. 2 Cars, and 1 Pickup. All the boys at the back of the pickup...IMAGINE THE RUCKUS!!!haha. Auntie Clare's house at Sims Drive, Uncle Amos' house at Bukit Panjang, then ALL the way back to Auntie Jothi's house at Simei, then to my house at Pasir Ris.
*phew* By the time we reached my house it was almost 1AM!!! wow...sooo fun...
The Chirstmas spirit was alive in Everyone...also the spirit of ZZzzzzZZzzzz when it came to my house....namely in .......haha, i shall not mention. :P But everyone had fun, and that was the most important thing.
Most of all, I thank God for giving me the strength (and the patience) and wisdom to plan and execute.
All this while i was sick, with the flu, and had a fever that morning, God's healing power.

2AM, and i just stepped into the house...OMG, whole DAY of decorating the church for christmas....After shopping on wed for all the items, we managed to meet today to decorate the church. Me,Grace, and two guys from the tamil service.
The theme... "White Christmas" idea, but with lots of infusion from the rest of course. hehe.
I guess ill let pictures do the talking, once i get them haha! just look out for the nemesisskywalker produced chandelier or is it a sculpture (yes 100% designed and assembled by nemesisskywalker).
Tired...but excited, tommorrow must get Mr *******'s prezent..for gift exchange mah.
Well, joshie ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzZzzzzzzZZZzzzzzzzzz out.