The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Thursday, December 02, 2004


What is maturity?

Is it being able to show that you can look after yourself?

Is it caring for others more than you care about yourself?

Is it being in control of your feelings, although you wish you can SCREAM them out?

Is it sitting down and finding the best solutions to your problems?

Is it talking things over to find out the truth, although you want to just leave...

Is it thinking about all the possible solutions before being rash and deciding on impulse?

Is it solving your problems by yourself, and getting extra parties involved?

Is it being a man and facing you problems, and not RUNNING AWAY, if you cant solve them immediately...

Is it having faith and trust that things do work out for everyones good

IT IS being responsible for your actions...following your conscience