The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Met Min and Fer at city hall after walking around orchard with Gareth and Soo Bin ( helping the undecided plane boy to buy a plane model ). We went for dinner at Marina Square's Swensens, and had a BAKED RICE AND TREASURE ISLAND FRENZY! ( with extra cheese of course ).

Then i went to fetch Dim Sum from the bus stop, and then introduced her to my 2 dearies. She looked stunning as usual, and we walked to Marina Promenade to catch the Fireworks..(from the French this time....and it was THE BEST of the 3) go to My Photo Album on the sidebar. My parents were there too, and (luckily) we never saw them *phew*.
So we headed to Baker's Inn for desert...

It was yummy of course, we had NY Cheesecake, Choco Noir and few other it was great...and we ( well the girls mostly ) talked about school, kids students....and i was busy clicking away at them..he he...yeah.

So we had a great time, and i got to send SujAngel home, and we had a good converstion, though i wished it didnt have to end...sadly...It will however be another night ill never forget. :)

Thanks Min, and Fer, for being on my
And Thanks Suj, for being who you are to me.