The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Lonely week, with Sunshine at the End...

T'was a rather lonesome week after monday, where i settled a long awaited standoff, between me and myself, but i know it was the right thing that had to be done, cause 2 days later my mom confrimed it during her quiet time, Im getting back on track, and i must persevere...or ill lose my destiny in Him again.
It was very lonely, and heart-wrenching, cause i had to refrain from certain people for a while....well, until i talked to her on thurs. though i have yet to hear her voice...i really miss it...really.
its so hard, when you fight against yourself...your heart is bursting, but you still have to keep it in chains, cause you dont want to lose what you have...
Went to a Children's home today, off Thomson Road, Centre for Children with learning diabilities. Together with some guys and senior officers from my squadron, we went over, to volunteer to clean up the centre, and play and entertain the kids.
We had games with them, and sang songs...played with bubbles, gave them chocolates, did arts and craft. Most important of all, we got to share the love of Christ with them....and make the little kids happy...It was so fun, i played the guitar, and we sang, kids songs, chinese songs, Christian songs....and played catch the bubble..hehe....
It reminded me of a sunday school song..

Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world,
Red and yellow, black and white, ALL are precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world...

Thank you Lord, for loving them just as they are.
