The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Rallye De Singapour

6.2 km in 25 mins.

Record time for my mini rally.

East Coast Costa Sands, Marine Parade Road, Bedok South Road, Bedok South Ave 1, Tanah Merah Road, Simei Ave, Tampines Ave 2, Tampines Ave 7, Loyang Ave, Pasir Ris Drive 1, Pasir Ris Drive 6. Home.

Went for Charlotte's Birthday at East Coast. Was real fun, with her family and the rest of the youths.

Tomorrow's worship service will be different. With a Scottish twist.

Btw the rally was on a 21 speed mountain bike. Funny how you can learn about downshifting on a bike.



The only picture of my work, who i am and what i do. And me being so lame....*act cute only*.....

Thats me on the left holding a signal light bulb...Ang behind me, and Lawrence on his right. Voila...the ambulance we are overhaulin'...
Behind got one V200 lah, like the one in the NDP display.


*i look so stupid*dope*

Mixmatched Confusion, HEartAche to GO?

Went out with my bosses on thurs for a farewell dinner for one of my smaller bosses. haha. went to Sembawang Yatch Club. was such a picturesque place, food was alright, and the atmosphere was splendid. only thing is this place is sooo ulu. walau, ONLY accesisble by car. Soooo....was drinking a bit lah, 'HARIMAU' brand, bout 6 mugs. hehe, was a bit doosy after that, cause not used to something i dont's the last don't worry.Then WO woon sent me back lah. Such a nice boss. hehe.
Also started my mural painting...with the help of a few guys. first coat and second almost done. really sweet cool grayish blue. Damn i love the color. Did up the drawing of the logo and stuff. Really hope it comes out well, cause i really want to leave a professional paiting.

Yest was painting also, whole day, then went for my last duty in ADSD. Guard Commander. But luckily all my kaki were on duty also, so was really a good last duty.

FTT is on monday, but im so nochalant about it and i don't know why. Its really disturbing. I have to study today. I think i'll also have to rethink my driving plan. Cause the TP date is in March. sian.

Came back today, and read my daily report.

Heart broke immediately.

Now its my turn to write.
For me, A new song is created in my heart.
It shall be for you.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Joshua's Last Stand...

Today was the 'unofficial' last 'physical' working day for me. Tomorrow i shall start on my wall mural for the guys restroom. Hopefully it turns out right.

Seems like these days, blog traffic is going down, thanks to exams i suppose, highlighting the demographic of bloggers in Singapore.

Flightplan is a DAMN good movie, go watch it.

Still holding on by faith, deadline next week. HE WILL come thru.

Im so sleepy what the hell am i doing here?
Oh ya, Saira's birthday. :P

Well, so sleepy. I'll wait for midnight. ZZZZzzzZZzzzzZzzZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz...........

joshie out.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Fallen Dragons of the skies.

There it lay, a beautiful hue of satin turqoise glitter, all alone on the dull black workbench. What a sad start to the day...a lifeless dragonfly, lay on my bench. Could it be the end of my carefree freedom or the life of some poor unprotected soul.

Went to watch a movie with nadiah, Deuce Bigalow. Was Hysterically funny. But the fun was shortlived as, while leaving the Cineleisure building, we saw part of the basement cordoned off, police tape all around, and in the center of it all.....a pool of blood, human undoubtedly.

CSI minds stareted working, deducing a stab wound.

Went home, only to find the beautiful madamé papplion, sad and distraught. Then words of a phoenix's rebirth came to my fingers, and then to her eyes.
A glad day in the end? I hope.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

Dalmations Galore......

I was surrounded by dalmations, greyhounds, rotweilers and a cute little collie with a tigers nose. LOL.
Helped auntie malini today at TKPS, painting doggie faces on the P2 fun, with all the kids. Made me wonder how i was like when i was that age. Irony was having a kid with the same as you...Joshua, and having the kids calling you uncle, like im so old. But it was fun, doing what i love a lot, art, painting and kids...*sigh*...
So thankful to auntie malini for that wonderful lunch at GRAPEVINE...such a chic place, and cheap some more...and the food was great.
Then went church for youth. Might have a youth camp in Dec if we dont go to India for missions. Plus more spaghetti to sell. yummy yummy.
So left early and went to meet Ibrahim and the guys ( mike and tiwari) for buka puasa...
ia, saya sepatutnya jadi budak melayu, tapi kena goreng terlalu banyak sikit.

So we buka(ed) at Cahaya rest. at far east, had a scrumptuous nasi goreng. Then wandered around aimlessly, stared at the Johor Sultans frekkin GMC pickup outside a hotel. And a frekkin Lamborghini Gallardo at the same hotel.

THEN, we dicided to watch the Transporter 2 at lido. haha. was it a good decision...AUDI RS8 W12..oooohhhhhh.......droooooool, then came the driving, drooool some more, then came the Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster....swwweeettt...droool some more, by the end, we had a few buckets of ( kidding )...

So did what we did best. Walk the Orchard Ibrahim's walk, and my charm, Tiwari's height, and Micheal, well, just

Was a good day, one which i havent had in a long time. From Dalmations to Lamborghinis, Kids to Transporters. The Day was a good one. Thank you to the BIG GUY UPSTAIRS.


Dalmations Galore...

I was surrounded by dalmations, greyhounds, rotweilers and a cute little collie with a tigers nose. LOL.
Helped auntie malini today at TKPS, painting doggie faces on the P2 fun, with all the kids. Made me wonder how i was like when i was that age. Irony was having a kid with the same as you...Joshua, and having the kids calling you uncle, like im so old. But it was fun, doing what i love a lot, art, painting and kids...*sigh*...
So thankful to auntie malini for that wonderful lunch at GRAPEVINE...such a chic place, and cheap some more...and the food was great.
Then went church for youth. Might have a youth camp in Dec if we dont go to India for missions. Plus more spaghetti to sell. yummy yummy.
So left early and went to meet Ibrahim and the guys ( mike and tiwari) for buka puasa...
ia, saya sepatutnya jadi budak melayu, tapi kena goreng terlalu banyak sikit.

So we buka(ed) at Cahaya rest. at far east, had a scrumptuous nasi goreng. Then wandered around aimlessly, stared at the Johor Sultans frekkin GMC pickup outside a hotel. And a frekkin Lamborghini Gallardo at the same hotel.

THEN, we dicided to watch the Transporter 2 at lido. haha. was it a good decision...AUDI RS8 W12..oooohhhhhh.......droooooool, then came the driving, drooool some more, then came the Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster....swwweeettt...droool some more, by the end, we had a few buckets of ( kidding )...

So did what we did best. Walk the Orchard Ibrahim's walk, and my charm, Tiwari's height, and Micheal, well, just

Was a good day, one which i havent had in a long time. From Dalmations to Lamborghinis, Kids to Transporters. The Day was a good one. Thank you to the BIG GUY UPSTAIRS.


Thursday, October 20, 2005

And so you're back...from outer space...

Thousand apologies to all who read.
BOTH my pc's went through major overhaul.
So no contact with the outside world...
funny, how i realised that without the pc, i spent so much time sleeping, playing with my siblings, and doing what i love best, creating pieces of my heart to give ppl i care about.

Situation is much better now...thanks everyone, for encouraging words and prayer.

Hope to get back on my blogging track now..

*now to work on my chinese art masterpiece*


Friday, October 14, 2005

ACT 1 SCENE 1 - Meltdown

A simple suggestion can lead to a major catastrophic misunderstading. Why is it that my words and intentions are always misunderstood, since i started interacting with ppl it was like this. Maybe cause im a man of TOO few words, that i leave too much for personal interpretation? Or that im just meant to be alone without interaction. Can't be right, we were not called to live like, why is it that i am shut away from you so much like a little brown sparrow that doesnt realise its a glass window in front of it...and...SLAM!!! straight into it. That's how my heart feels...broken into, bleeding profusely....and its not the fact that feelings can't be expressed, its the reality that even friendship finds itself in a hedge of thorns.
Not the way it should be, should it.
I know you im not near the top of your friends list, understood. Sometimes i get the feeling im hanging on to the last string on the bottom...
Maybe im expecting too much...but am i?
I am sensitive and caring, until ppl take advantage of me, but i dont want to change that, cause that is who i am.
I dont know what else to say....I cant say anything else.
Except...I'm sorry.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

bACK FrOM DuTy...pooped

Wahhh, Guard Commander Duty is no joke man..especially in ADSD. Like sooo many responsibilities....And also dealing with ppl who insist on doing things thier way....walau.
Lucky the D.O. was nice lah, though he did TORMENT OUR LITTLE MINDS WITH THE THREAT OF A TURNOUT!....but he was a nice little D.O., no turnout. hehe. But the shitty thing was after the duty, i still had to go for the C.O. parade. in number 3( though i look good in it lah) lol. Was like SISPEC all over again...No.4 to coverall to No.3.
Then came the wierd part, some LTA from a unit in my camp, called me up to go for an investigation hearing. which was totally uncalled for cause i had no link to a certain incident that happened in camp lah. Then when went for the investigation....he went halfway then was like..."Um, wait a minute, i think i don't need your statement..*hits head on wall*....haiys talk about bo liao.
So, then went to the C.O. conference, which was changed cause of the rain, thank God. yeah, and then went for drama prac for 15 mins in church, then they said they were going to a Herbal Life talk .... wateva, was dissapointed. tomorrow must go so looking forward to Sat and the play, and hope Bradon and Shu Ting will be touched, and their lives changed. :)
Well, now must hungry....*grooowl*


Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Well managed to get thru today without cuts or nicks or scrapes. so thats extra blood spilt. But was a very slow day and nothing much to do...besides meet Ibrahim and watch
WOHOoooooooooo what an awsome movie...esp daisy,...oops i mean the car haha...GENERAL LEE.....1961 Dodge Charger!!! wahhhhh was soooooo cool. American Muscle, V8 with supercharger...damn i wish i had one..haiys

well, another day past, another day closer to ORD, another day of faith waiting, and another day of praying for magic.
I know He's always there.
Thank you Dear Lord.

Monday, October 10, 2005

SLiCed at the laST Minute

So, the whole day went ok...just a normal BLACK monday...went for drama prac, and then disscussed some home decor ideas with Aunty Clare, for her new house, gave her some ideas for balinese decor...then went for Apostolic prayer...was really on today...unlike yesterday's am thankful for that.
Then, it happened...the scicssors went straight through my finger's flesh. OUCH. crap. shit. and all the other words you can think of.....well not all lah. But my finger is in a big plaster now. can't move it.
so yeah.
*troubled prayerfull mind*


Sunday, October 09, 2005

Operation Red Flag

Another sunday in felt very distant and alone. From everyone, and from Him. Was almost totally switched off...went for prayer, the pastor just prayed no prophecy...hmm. Am i to get directions from Him a corner now.

Met Fernando after church and went for Operation Red Flag at the omnimax theather...was sooooo cool. but also at one point, brought tears to my eyes once again. some things are just hard to let go of. very hard.

Its only me a Him right now. other things in my life are buried or put on hold. i feel so helpless, but i am still holding on to my faith and the prophecy of the open door. what else do i have. sometimes i just wish to hear some encouragement from her, cause i havent heard her voice in a looong time...

Well, i guess the lily grows best without interference, allowed to be the best that she can be. Just hope she knows that there will always be someone who cares for her and waiting to catch her if she slips and falls, no matter the circumstance.

"My hope it lies in you alone. My Lord and my salvation..."


Saturday, October 08, 2005


So now phase 1 is over, basic theory....something i should have done a loooooooong time ago lah. i feel sooo stupid now for not taking it earlier...i could be driving by now...haiys. I guess He has a reason for delaying me, maybe cause i wouldnt have understood a car the way i do now. And not illegally practised as much as i have...haha.
But hey...

Final theory booked........31st OCT. waaahh so fast...i dont know why i booked so fast also.
now must cram....

another joshie day....playing at PLMC....on invitaion. for HIM alone.
so.. see ya.
*heart let down, buried in a shallow grave*


Friday, October 07, 2005

Unexpected Twist to the Day Before the Test

So today was a good day, and we worked from 845 to 1030, checking the Ambulance lightings and cleaned up the call from my bro Jerm, who was bitching bout his CSM,
haha, no offence dude. then got changed and went down to 'The Prata Place' along Upper Thomson for Master Kumar's Farewell lunch...was good lah, just that the portions were the Fish head was...waaaaahhh...yummy lah.

Left the place about 2 and went home thanks to WO Tony's relak mood lol. He is a very practical man, and very goal orientated like me. Once you've got your job done, and no one needs your help. Get the heck out of there. ( Only applies to army camps, and places of Government control ). Yeah, so good lah, get to go home...early and catch up on some sleep...hehe.

Tomorrow is the Big Day of BTT. Its been a long time coming, and i know i should have done it. when i was 18. but i was too lazy... my fault. But i know im going to regret it even more tomorrow...sianz. So i just pray i will pass it on the first time. Then i can get on with trying to overtake suj
Sorri ah dear...hehe, you give me the DRIVE to OVERTAKE you....hehe. wait one day we go drifting k? lol.
The only thing thats realy bugging me is that i have to be there at 8.30 AM!!! YIO CHU KANG some more..

But tomorrow im also going to play at PLMC. Helping out a friend, with his Youth Worship. 7.30 pm. Upper Paya Lebar Road. just befor Lor Ah Soo *sigh*.

So lets make it happen. Thank you Lord. All Glory goes to you.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Is this the end? Or is this the beginning?
Life is so full of unexpected twists turns, roadblocks, detours and shortcuts (seems more like the amazing race).

Faced with a split traffic sign, joshie sat there wondering which lane he should take, the dimly lit lane to an unknown end? Or the road that leads into total darkness...and obscurity.
The latter, for he knows its better to have a plastered heart that still works, then have an atomised non-existent one. Rather then lose an angel totally altogether, i'd still have her friendship (though that also seems non-existent).

Everyone is this world is treated equally, some...more equal than others.

Today, is a day of decisions...though it may seem just small matter to some, or just another passing is not, for me. It is (was?) a serious matter.

If you do read this, i want you to know that i always cared (will always care?) for you and your spiritual life. Always wanting to help, no matter reward or none. I just wished you got to know me a little better...but i guess He has His reasons.

Joshie signing out on this matter (forever?).Nay.Till (When) it arises.


Sunday, October 02, 2005


Love the heart that hurts you.
But never hurt the heart that loves you...
Because for the world you are someone...
But for someone...
You are the world

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Friday, GLS first at sentosa...volleyball...beach.....sandcastle.....sunburn....volleyball...thrown into Lawrence, and Kerh go after 2 young girls with 36Cs...bathe.....change....take the train.....TOOK the wrong train...took the right train....went home.....bathe.....went online.......went to airport to send JI off (same flight as suj) walau...came home......blogging now.....that was my format for lazy typing.
