The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Last Day Ahead

One more day to go before im off to Banglore...
Sigh, so many last minute problems...and desperate tries to get my spirit down.
Sigh, i have to get past it all, and focus on the task at hand first, and let my mind be on it. Nothing else.

Payback has to be later.

Its over and erased.

Im going, and no hindrance is going to be there, cause its been torn down.


Monday, January 23, 2006

Banglore Ahoy!

Banglore is only 2 days away, and im not feeling that nervous..thank God. Or maybe it still hasn't set in yet...
But im all ready and geared up...can't wait for it.
My first major worship leading session...overseas.
My me Lord.

Oh where is my heart?

Somewhere far away, in a far away land...with electric trains.

Well, God's will be done in Banglore, and let there be a fresh move of the Spirit


Thursday, January 19, 2006

Stupid @#&%!&@% Me

I never intended for it to happen, never knew it would. shit....
I've lost everything!!!
And whatever else you can throw at me.

All it took was just two clicks...two bloody clicks...
And all my YEARS AND YEARS of documents, projects, files, memories...were all gone...
I really hate myself now.

*hits head with hammer*

joshie out. really out.

Monday, January 16, 2006

The day i lost you...

The day i lost you, i cried my heart out
Wishing you didn't say i have to go.
A friend so dear, and so trusted, understood.
Could just leave, and more.
Cause you just can't be around me and not think back to times when i lives were different?
I can and I have, why can't you?
I think its outrageous
Insane even, that you can't be mature about it.




My heart will always have a place for you my dear friend, if you choose to return, and it shall be as spick and span, as the day you left it.

Cause true friendship does not dwell on politics, connections or history. Its an unparalled expression of Phileo love. Not Agape, not Eros, but Phileo.


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Hands on Rice

Its been 2 years or more since my hands touched rice and it went into my mouth.
It feels good.


Friday, January 13, 2006

Bloggers Beware...

To all my friends, aquaintances, hobbits, dwarves, and elf-kin.

The Govenrnment of Singapore has just release a statement regarding the use of songs on bloggers' personal website. Bloggers are 'encouraged' to pay for putting the copyrighted songs on their blogs; S$1,000 for 10 songs, and S$10,000 for 50 songs.
(straits times, 13th Jan 2006)

This goes to show, that they just want us to be creative, and express our feelings another way, which they will choose for us. Bullshit mate.

Well, song or no song im sure there is a way to get round this.
Au Revoir, joshie out

Haha, i just realised today is Friday the 13th!!! Muahahaha!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Cold Winters Day...In Singapore.

Well, Its raining...whats new. Cold, dark, and miserably blue.

But today is the turning, point in my career, life, studies, and life from now on.
I now know what He has planned for me. And i know the right direction i must go. So ill just keep follwing till i reach the end, which is His will.
A new friend was born today, and new found strength for my life.

Joshie is reborn, with new wings to fly.

joshie out

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Wet Holidays...

Twas a wet Tuesday morning, the rain was pouring, the birds werent singing, and it was cold, clammy and *icky*...
Sigh, i just hope its not like this by the 21st of Jan. I want Yvonne to have the best birthday possible, and of course, Joanne too, and then Me when i get back from India.
Its going to be tough... I have to worship lead 2 sessions...Its my first time in front of such a big crowd, and a foreign crowd some more...sigh...
I really need help from above.


Today Im going with YD to get his new car. A black Kia Rio. And im Going to be the official designer. Then after that ive got to go to a bbq, but i don't know if its going to be successful, cause of the rain...

joshie out

Monday, January 09, 2006


Met the wonderful Sharon, well ive known her since i was in Tamworth. And she has been a support and a driving force behind my piloting dreams. Always, giving me options and keeping my flame alive.
Went to watch The Family Stone. Was a great movie, and made me think about a lot of things.

Family, The Gay movement, and child adoption.

Many braincells were used.

joshie out.


Friday, January 06, 2006

YD and MIN's 23rd

Birthday Boy and Girl

Charlie's Angels

Me and Mr Bodybuilder @ Cinelesuire

Chilling out at Devil's

My car (I wish) Ferrari 360 Modena

My weekend car (I Really wish)
Lamborghini Murceilago

Dearly Departed...

Today was a day of mourning, but in that mourning we also find hope, and life eternal.
Mdm Martha, my senior pastor's mom funeral was held today.
So we had the funeral at teck whye, then headed out to the mandai crematorium.
Such a beautiful place.
Made me realise again what little time we have on this earth, and the reality of death...
But the hope of eternal life, in Christ, is what we can hold on to.

Funny how a person's death can make families, no matter how torn apart...,come together.

Was so glad to see so many old friends, and people i really miss.
I just wish people could so easily put their diff aside.

joshie out.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy birthday to the most beautiful couple the best of friends, Huimin and Yong Da whose birthdays fall on the exact same day. So sweet. Anyways, we met up at Orchard at 8 for dinner. Then headed out to Cineleisure, 2nd Floor, Maestro Bistro. Most of us had crepes, all different kinds...meatballs, chicken, seafood...but it was great...but the most yummy thing was desert!
A chocolate fondue pot!!!
And all kinds of fruits...bananas, apples, peaches, strawberries, brownies...all dripping in hot yummy flowing chocolate!! So deliciously sexy and yummy....damn....*slurp*.

K then we headed out to Devil's bar. Haha, my frist time. But im glad i went with the people i trust the most. Was different feeling, not that i havent felt it before...the thumping bass, and the dim lights, oops. Well my dearie Felicia managed to get me a bit high cause i took it down it down too fast. *stupid me*. But it was fun all around, though i wished we had danced a bit more.

Met my friend, Groin (Tze Wei) there, we havent seen each other since after SISPEC.
Well i can't say im a virgin anymore then.

A clubbing virgin that is! lol.

Well, know all thats left is for me to get my pay, and return the favours.

Well, joshie out.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year, New Beginnings.

Well, at the stroke of midnight, i was watching the sky unfurl with a myriad of colours, fire, and smoke. Though not up to Festival standards, beautiful nonetheless.
Im glad i spent it with the friends who are the closest to me.
My bro.s and my dearies. *only one wasn't there*.
We walked about a bit, sat down here and there, chit chatted, then walked onto the esplanade bridge around midnight. And we were just in time for the fireworks which was our main item on the agenda.
After the party and hugs and kisses hehheee.. the rest went over to Nat's place to continue with some mahjong and drinks.
Pity i couldnt join, cause the next day i had service in the morning. you know my heart was with you guys, even with my eyes closed! :P

Starting the new year with the one who created you is great if not better than anything in this world. cause he is always there, anytime anywhere.

Well, there are many things that i wished i could have done in 2005, and people i wished were closer, but i guess, everything has its time and place.

Im going to start my life and focus on my call and future now.
