The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

ORD oh!

Exactly 364 days left until i leave this wretched organisation.

I can't wait to get back on track to my pilot's liscence. And my Aero Degree. Its been too long since i last touched books and sat for exams. Well, ive got one next week, but that one, its a practical exam.

My brain feels really unused and collecting cobwebs. Its just a grey bundle of nerves with memory, sitting on top of my head. Use me! Use me! its shouting...

Its funny how things from your past, come back to visit all at day after the other. Its like life has a funny way of keeping in touch with your past, one by one...setting up meetings with the things that shape your future.

somethings, you wish you could remember more, and wish it were a little different back then, but then, "you should be happy of where you are now, not unhappy with what you were not back then.." (thanks sho).

la la la la, life goes on....( beatles , obla-di obla-da)

have decided to go for RMIT's Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronatuics) expensive...20k per year....dunno how....only God is in control of the finance.
Melbourne, here i come.

ciao, joshie