The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A new year comes with new challanges ( and old ones you haven't settled )

Happy new year 2005!
from joshie
The new year began with saddening news, of the unexpected tsunami, which destroyed most of coastal south asia and some of south east asia.
This year the new year celebrations were a lot less extravagant...why? the tragedy or the rain? Or was it just that some of us had no long holidays to speak of...whichever reason it was, this year will be remembered by the world, as it remembered September 11th.
I dont feel like posting a very hearty and joyful message.
If you were following the images and amature videos on would feel the same way. Especially the images of the bodies of children being dragged out from rubble, or in their weeping parents arms, or just simply being dumped into huge mass graves and funeral pires. If your mind does not counjure up an image or any feeling of grief...there are no words to describe you.
As i was helping my army mates pack rations to send to aceh, two very emotion churning things happened.
First, a black Toyota drove into SPH, to donate stuff, clothes we suspected. The driver got out, passed us 4 bags of clothes and immediately drove off hastily, it took us a few minutes to open the bags...guess what...inside were 4 t shirts, enclosing a bundle of underwear and 2 bikinis in total. At first we thought it was a joke, but when we realised that the other bags were similarly stuffed...we could not help but express our disgust (some more profanely than others) at the people who could be so STUPID as to donate this kind of items to people who need REAL clothes. Not used ones or unhygenic ones...for God's sake, where do these people come from.
No wonder the driver drove off in such a hurry. Inconsiderate A**hole.
Second (this really moved us), a white Mercedes van drove in to donate some food stuff and medical supplies...on board were a family of three, as the father got out to open the rear door, his daughter, no more than 5, got out. She saw a box of toys which we had collected over a few days...The amazing thing was...instead of taking a toy from the box, she put in a fairly brand new teddy into the box, all by herself.
We all stood amazed.
How could this small girl know the meaning of giving what you love the most to bless others.
She has a simle innocent heart that cares for others instead of herself more...i think we could all learn from this little girl about giving...and caring
joshie's true experience
happy new year