The Life journey of a man, Born to Fly...Who will trust HIM and will achieve HIS call.

Friday, December 30, 2005


Kids, Dont try this ever! I Dont care if Frodo is cute! Or Legolas!


Fellowship of the Ring : normal version
The Two Towers : extended version
The Return of The King : extended version

Thanks Auntie Clare for the dinner...


Tuesday, December 27, 2005


From Michael W Smith, Friends:

And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends
This song just touched my heart, and made me think of all the precious people in my life, who have either lost contact and also two special people in my heart who left us a little too early.
Raymond Suppaiah

Monday, December 26, 2005


T'was a wet Christmas Morning...haha. Thats the jist of it.
I was sick..still, but i managed to pull myself through the day...waking up at 6, music practise at 730, then worship at 930, played for the sunday school kids to sing 'A king is born'. Then after the message, i had to lead everyone in carols! My first for the main service! Was sweating like Nuts!!

SIgh, it was a same old Chirstmas this year...sigh, i really miss the Family spirit we used to have when we were in KL. Sadly *really* we arent going back this year. *sob*

But i guess, with family here, its still close to my heart.

Now begins chapter 2.


Saturday, December 24, 2005

Chirstmas is round the Corner !!

Two days worth of stories, in a single post...wahh...a lot leh.

Before i start off, i would request everyone who reads this to take time to listen to the song on my blog, "We are the reason" a rendition by Avalon. This i feel beautifully communicates the TRUE meaning of Chirstmas.

I was put in charge of organising Tabernacle of Holiness' and SWAT's FIRST carolling outing. What a headache, the amount of preperation and communincation, and also planning. My gosh, now i know how my dad felt all those years! So many ppl to call, who to cook dinner, who to get snacks. I was literally at my wits end, cause I also was put in charge of my HOUSE deco! But I guess, when you do something you love (art deco) for someone you love (your family) it doesnt matter how late you sleep, or how much you spend. Cause your heart is in it.
We met at 4 at church to practise the carols, and after numerous delays...we set off at 8 to Auntie Clare's house. 2 Cars, and 1 Pickup. All the boys at the back of the pickup...IMAGINE THE RUCKUS!!!haha. Auntie Clare's house at Sims Drive, Uncle Amos' house at Bukit Panjang, then ALL the way back to Auntie Jothi's house at Simei, then to my house at Pasir Ris.
*phew* By the time we reached my house it was almost 1AM!!! wow...sooo fun...
The Chirstmas spirit was alive in Everyone...also the spirit of ZZzzzzZZzzzz when it came to my house....namely in .......haha, i shall not mention. :P But everyone had fun, and that was the most important thing.
Most of all, I thank God for giving me the strength (and the patience) and wisdom to plan and execute.
All this while i was sick, with the flu, and had a fever that morning, God's healing power.

2AM, and i just stepped into the house...OMG, whole DAY of decorating the church for christmas....After shopping on wed for all the items, we managed to meet today to decorate the church. Me,Grace, and two guys from the tamil service.
The theme... "White Christmas" idea, but with lots of infusion from the rest of course. hehe.
I guess ill let pictures do the talking, once i get them haha! just look out for the nemesisskywalker produced chandelier or is it a sculpture (yes 100% designed and assembled by nemesisskywalker).
Tired...but excited, tommorrow must get Mr *******'s prezent..for gift exchange mah.
Well, joshie ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzZzzzzzzZZZzzzzzzzzz out.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Iron's Gate

After 2 months of nagging by my mom, i finally finished painting the gate!!!haha
*this is what happens when you sit at home too much, ppl think you are very free.*
Such a pity that i have no camera.
The gate is black to complement my heavy brown door. Then i added gold ( gold on black becomes bronze ) details to the designs, and added, my own handpainted, floral design. With a few other details, here and there.
Hope fully, i can get a picture somehow.

well, Joshua Raj out.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

ORD OH!!!!!

ORD OH!!!!!!!!

its Over.. 2.5 years is OVER.... IM Free!!!


Sunday, December 18, 2005

Days of wine and roses.

Went to all the way to PS to get a christmas present for Yvonne. I was eyeing this big brown bear last week...and yest, when i went...someone had ripped the sad. So i had to get her some scandinavian chocolates instead. Then i rushed to her place in a cab.

Im glad it was a new start for us. We had our differences and situations, but i guess, friends will always remain if they're heart is true, NO matter what the differences. Thanks Yvonne.

As for the rest of my life, im at a dilemma for one thing, and settled another, and having faith for the most important. So i guess, im pretty normal now. Thats good in a way, or maybe im just supressing my heart into a small tin can, like the Tin Man, from the Wizard of Oz.
Sometimes everyone wishes they were Dorothy, click you heels twice and your back in Kansas

Reality check!

We can't. So we have to learn from our mistakes, right the wrong if we can, forgive (Eph 4:32 - Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.). So no matter the differences, we have to keep our friends close, cause you never know when you might be able to bless them or they be a blessing to you. Sadly i have to say this, if someone close has helped you, either voluntarily or involuntarily, you have a connection with them whether you like it or not, there will always be memories.

As one family in Christ, every opportunity to strengthen each other. Cause we are one church, working together for the same goal. This has been my dream and vision since young. And it had already started with the 7 covenented churches, and the prophecy for this year is also the Church coming together, no matter denomination...and being and influence to the nation. I just am sad that some people can't see this vision yet, or refuse to accept it with other people.

I have learnt so many times before, when the oppprtunity presents itself in your face, take it, its there for a reason. If you lose it, don't regret it later, cause God gave you the opportunity, but you were too caught up in your own affairs to be aware or hear Him clearly. Sadly it hurts when you realize its too late. Its one thing to be in the Permissive will of God, another to be in the Perfect will. God has a plan for everyone of us. But we are given the free will of choice, to know and be in it, or to follow OUR selfish personal dreams and live the way we like, thinking we are doing what God wants us to, just because we aren't doing anything wrong.

Oh dear, ive typed a message. lol. But its from my heart, so i hope it benefits someone who reads this.

joshie out.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Sorry? NO-chemistry this far?

(I cant believe Im typing this) I just realised how mean and selfish people can be and they dont even realise it. Even those you help can turn on you in a matter of weeks, or even days. Makes you feel like you were made use of. Sadly, we all cant turn off these feelings. Its human, and it hurts even more when you actually feel for that person so much, and you're so patient and even let yourself hit the floor.
I have so many words to say now, but my heart just cant revive itself from the shock and realisation that i had.
The thing made me realise, is my SWAT team doing this to others? Is this why youths are lost back to the world?
I'm glad im just really hurt about it, and cannot be lost to the world.

I just hope and pray Im not like this to people who get to know me.
Cause at least now i know what it is to be on the receiveing end.

Not even a chance given. Unfortunately selfish.

joshie :(

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Second blessing.ORD ORD ORD ORD

This morning, we all mustered for morning roll call, and after my FSM gave his brief, my 2IC gave an announcement.

"I just want to appreciate, these few people who took the initiative to paint and redecorate the restroom. Joshua, Matthew.....and these people will be awarded 1 day off each for their effort."

Im already off on monday, and on leave on guess what, that only leaves TOMMORROW. lol. So...i got an additional 1.5 days off. Wow, what a blessing.

Its ORD in 4 days...and im getting excited!!!!

Christmas is round the corner...presents..that are sadly on a budget cause of the darn SAF.

Im soooooo free...hehe. yipeee!!!!

Now begins my new life, with Christ...and my family and my friends.

Announcing the arrival of Flight JR2006. All passengers please proceed to boarding gate J2.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

SWAT generation.

Just came back from an unexpected day out with WO Woon. We went shopping for stickers, and ended up buying mirrors, for his Ford Focus. I got a taste of what its like to go shopping for car accessories, and i loved it...though i got a bit scared when i started going....."ah, i'll get this, and this and this and this....and oooooooh must have this......". Even though i dont have a car...YET.
The other good thing was at Paya Ubi...there are sooooooo many workshops,tuning houses, mod shops, it was like Need for Speed Underground 2. I saw Evos, WRXs, S15s, A Beautiful Gorgeous....Blue....R34 GTR. Sigh. One Day.
WO Woon, gave me a half day today, after my FFI, and we went out for lunch, and shopping for car parts, then went to TP to help him in ProE.
miss my school, girls..hehehhehe. kidding.
Today was just an unexpected blessing hehe.
Thank God.
A new beginning for my life, spiritually.
Went out shopping in IKEA with my parents, looking for lights for the dining and hall wall. Me being the in-house interior there to choose of course.


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Pizzas and a Coffee Machine

Met my dearies, and Sin Boon today, for our, nah just reunion.
Had A Jolly 'something' pizza at Pizza Hut, and after dinner, and fer fer complaining bout her irritating collegue...hehe, we had a nice drink at TCC, and talked about our plans for our Holiday.
Oh yeah, rushed the wings...the backup ones after the main ones failed..such a dissappointment.

crushed but not destroyed.

both my wings and my heart, for two different matters.

SHIT tomorrow must go back to ADSD. sigh.

BUt tomorrow got youth camp..yay.

joshie out..

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Nemesisskywalker - A new revelation

Nemesis - Greek goddess of revenge/ war - Adversary

Nemesis of the devil, and the evil principalities over our nation, as part of the Church in Singapore. From now on, I shant be an adversary to myself or the people around me, the devil has something (someone) to be afraid of. God's Kingdom Invasion has begun.

Skywalker - The last jedi family - treading the high places - walking ( flying ) on clouds

Skywalking (flying) as a pilot, as my dream would allow me to. But there is a higher purpose i now realise, doing HIS will, then my dreams HE will fulfill.

So put them both together, and you get..Nemesissywalker.

Thank you for that Revelation Lord.


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

What happens when you play Starcraft TOO MUCH

This is what happens when your brother is bugging you while you play Starcraft :)

Monday, December 05, 2005

CuZZIn - Dragon Red

So proud of my cousin, Amil Khan and his band Dragon Red they just launched their first album 'Holocaust'

Unfortunately, its only launched in Malaysia for the time being. But don't worry, the Autographed copy will be with me when i go after Christmas.

Their genre is Linkin Park + Creed/Metallica.

So take a listen on their website. Or click here for a cover of 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer'. Remember, i said cover.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Broken wings

Well, literally, cause my butterfly wings wouldnt work
*sob sob sob*
The weight of the plastic was too heavy, thus putting strain on the motor. I underestimated the torque of the motor, and the gearing ratio of the worm gear. The plastic which i thought would be light enough, turned out to be to heavy..
But faliure is just a detour for your creativity, not a endless pit, unilke for some people who fall into it and not come out.
Just need a lighter material (styrofoam?) or something lighter, just a frame? hmm....and suggestions please leave it on my tagboard.

joshie, mend these broken wings....

Kuch Kuch Hota Hai

kia *something*...kuch kuch hota hai...

Went for Ibrahims sisters wedding today, at MacPherson.

I love malay weddings,
1) GREAT food,
2)Beautiful decor
3)I get to dress up, and get lots of glances and smiles from cute malay girls ( in this case indian and or pakistani mixed *WOW* )
4) all the makciks say hi and ask me if im available for their daughters.

His dad cooked up a storm, with his 'world famous' chicken briyani...omg, mouth watering and so tender the mutton and beef...yummy. Plus i got to have My Favourite kuih lapis, the special ReD and WHITe one....which i soo rarely found in Singapore. There were so many relative and friends was like one big family including us. We were really welcome...thanks bro, if you ever end up reading this lah.

So after a good 1 hour of eating and chatting, and 1 hour of eye washing umm finding out how he is related to all the pretty we made a move, and i passed his (and her) dad, some cash which me and the guys..........oh yeah the guys...hehee
Kassim, Tiwari, Riazul a.k.a short fart, and the non-existent Micheal, who by the way, was on dispatch on his SuperFour; which i still wonder in amazement, how he his legs can miraculously lengthen to reach the pedals. hmm.
Any ways, had great fun and good food today.
Still working on butterfly wings, plus did a short video of our family, for old family friends (pastors) who are celebrating their 25th Silver Jubilee.

joshie out

LePapallion at Kilo Lima, have fun.

Friday, December 02, 2005


Its always nice to reminisce the past with someone you know for so long, and care about. Brings back the carefree younger days of your colorful past.
Though i know we had our reasons for the seperation, i am ecstatic about the way things are now. just perfect.

I met shonali at the fountain at outside Taka, after she got lost....poor girl lives in Melbourne lah. Yep was so happy to see her after so long, 1 year. sigh. Looking as beautiful and radiant as ever, with those egpytian eyes. (No is indian, just with beautiful eyes lah). Lol, but she is a great friend, support, and listener...(lucky Jordan) hehe. Well, so after a moment of confusion over what and where to eat...we headed down to Taka's basement, for some light lunch cause our main aim was the indochine cafe...where we had drinks last time...such a beautiful place.

Then we did it........


Singapore's second favourite pastime, shopping. From Far East, to Bugis...we almost covered it. hehe. It was fun...i love shopping for clothes, well, helping others to choose like a fashion critic....
no wonder fer fer, min and cher ask me along. thanks dearies. SO yeah, bought a beautiful belt, and a gorgeous white snake skin handbag....mmm only 29.90?
So after the wonderful bag, and some ( alot ) of walking, we sat down for drinks at indochine, great place...water falling over the wall, fishes in the cooling and refreshing, and awsome.

Yep so continued our journey, to Hereen, saw the DBS Lambhorghini Gallardo, a maroon 360 Modena, A yellow 360 Challange Stradale, and believe this....a Chrysler 300C wow...thats a first.

Continued our adventure through the jungles of orchard trek to bugis looking for more accesories.
But we decided to take 7 there instead of walking...
So reached there, and went into Bugis village....

I dont know if im the only person in Singapore who doesnt know that bugis village is full of small shops selling trendy stuff.

*hits head*

Now i have somewhere to go for

well, had tea at Breekz, at bugis then made our way home.
A memorable and remarkable day, with someone close to my heart.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

A tonne of bricks...

Sometimes you are just busy thinking about your life, or you're talking about it with someone you trust....and the person says just one word....and all the questions you've been asking....are answered. God has his timing and his way of revealing things to you.

I asked myself this. Why spend your energy on something that gives nothing in return?
Love (many forms of it)

I asked myself this. Why spend your energy even though you know ** **** ** *****(im not cursing)
Thats when the tonne of bricks hit me.

Well, some 'debris' was falling when i went on the Sembawang Expidition with my brudder. But i have him to thank for starting this 'rockfall'. I know i talk in riddles, but its my way of encoding my thoughts so that few understand.

So i guess ill just let the 'katak di bawah tempurung' come out on its own, ill just stick to what im doing, and my direction. I'll just always be here...till...well, its time


(K)Night Rider Sembawang Edition

Pilot, (bird fell from sky) :P
Too late to catch the sunset,
too early for sunrise...darn!

Diver, (fish out of water) :P
Thats Johor in the background.

100 plus canteen break. 7-11
moi at...somewhere
along Upper Thomson

Shagged( or is it shacked)
At the seaside...Sembawang

Nice 21 speed Bike...
My bike (Actually Gareth's).

Our bikes at the end of a 2.8km
(very ulu) park.